Events in the 1500s
This Foldout presents
some events which took occurred in the 1500s
1500-1700, there was the Little Ice Age with harsh winters
Parish records were introduced for births, marriages
and deaths in England and Wales, following an order
by Thomas Cromwell
Thousands of people close to starvation after poor harvests
August 1551
In the spring and summer, several people died of the sweating
sickness in England
There were outbreaks of influenza in the years 1557-1559
Divers strange and new sicknesses reigned in England, taking men
and women in their heads; as strange agues and fevers, whereof many
Before the harvest, corn was at famine prices, but after the harvest,
wheat fell to an eighth part of the price (5s per quarter).
The penny wheaten loaf being increased from 11 oz to 56 oz!
In the beginning of this mayor's year, died many of the wealthiest
men all England through, of a strange fever
August 1558
In the harvest of 1558, the quartan agues continued in like manner
or more vehemently than they had done the last year passed,
wherethrough died many old people and specially priests, so that a
great number of parishes were unserved and no curates to be gotten,
and much corn was lost in the fields for lack of workmen and
A third part of the people of the land did taste of the general
sickness – influenza
Several outbreaks of the plague which had been brought back
from Le Havre by English soldiers.
The outbreaks killed 20,000 people in London
Leeds had a visitation of the plague
5th June 1588
A pinnacle of Halifax Parish Church was struck off by lightning
London's theatres were closed for a year on account of the plague
Bad weather across western Europe led to five consecutive bad
harvests and famine, and this started an economic recession in Britain
Malcolm Bull
Revised 15:13 / 15th May 2021 / 4791
Page Ref: C813-1500