This Index lists 95 people with the surname Sharp who have entries in the Calderdale Companion.
Click on any name to take you to the appropriate entry in the Sharp Sidetrack
Lieutenant Sharp [1???-1???] Abraham Sharp [1???-17??] Rev Abraham Sharp [16??-1732] Abraham Sharp [18??-18??] Abraham Sharp [1830-1870] Abraham Sharp [1836-1???] Alfred Sharp [1865-1916] Alphonse Sharp [1872-1942] Aquilla Sharp [1833-1873] Arthur Edouarde Sharp [1868-1953] Booth Sharp [18??-19??] Charles Sharp [1863-1???] Cyril James Sharp [19??-19??] Rev D. S. Sharp [18??-19??] Rev Daniel Sharp [17??-18??] Daniel Sharp [18??-1855] David Sharp [1792-1878] David Sharp [1810-1882] Edward Raymond Sharp [1922-1943] Elkanah Sharp [1842-1907] Eneas Sharp [1847-1893] Ernest Sharp [18??-1915] Ernest Sharp [1887-19??] Francis Allan Sharp [1884-1920] Frank Sharp [18??-19??] Frank Sharp [1894-1915] Fred Sharp [18??-1917] Fred Sharp [1882-1962] Fred Sharp [1888-1917] Frederick Sharp [1839-1???] George Sharp [18??-18??] George Sharp [1859-1918] George Frederic Sharp [1863-1946] Harold Sharp [1888-1917] Herbert Sharp [1870-19??] Herbert F. Sharp [1861-19??] Herbert Reginald Sharp [1907-19??] Isaac Sharp [1815-1877] Jack Sharp [17??-17??] James Sharp [1799-1871] James Sharp [1828-1911] James Sharp [1863-1???] Jarvis Sharp [1832-1874] Jeremiah Sharp [1888-1955] John Sharp [1???-1???]
John Sharp [1???-1???] John Sharp [1???-19??] John Sharp [1644-1714] John Sharp [17??-18??] John Sharp [1743-1821] John Sharp [1811-1???] John Sharp [1823-1898] John Jackson Sharp [1832-1918] Joseph Sharp [18??-19??] Joseph Sharp [1801-18??] Joseph Sharp [1803-1856] Joseph Sharp [1854-19??] Joshua Sharp [17??-17??] Levi Sharp [1862-1???] Lionel C. G. Sharp [1866-1905] Mary Sharp [16??-1673] Mary Ann Sharp [18??-1???] Miles Sharp [1864-1948] Miles Balmford Sharp [1897-1973] Milton Sheridan Sharp [1856-1924] Mitchell Sharp [1869-1947] Morpeth Richard H. Sharp [1873-1909] Nathan Sharp [1844-1917] Richard Sharp [1???-18??] Richard Sharp [1895-1915] Robert Sharp [1???-18??] Samuel Sharp [18??-18??] Samuel Sharp [18??-19??] Samuel Sharp [1822-1854] Samuel Sharp [1862-1900] Sarah Ellen Sharp [18??-19??] Smith Sharp [1895-1938] Thomas Sharp [1829-1???] Tom Sharp [1888-1917] Walter Sharp [1871-1935] Walter Percy Sharp [1880-1952] Wilfred Sharp [18??-191?] Wilfred Sharp [1918-2001] William Sharp [1???-1???] William Sharp [17??-1???] William Sharp [1733-1815] William Sharp [18??-1???] William Sharp [1826-1???] William Sharp [1839-1903] William Sharp [1893-1916] William Edward Sharp [1857-1913] William Henry Sharp [1899-1918] Willie Sharp [1892-1917] Wilson Sharp [18??-1???] Wilson Sharp [1827-1884] Wilson Sharp [1876-1958]
Page Ref: IX.187