Normington : Index

This Index lists 27 people with the surname Normington who have entries in the Calderdale Companion.

Click on any name to take you to the appropriate entry in the Normington Sidetrack

Alfred Normington [1???-1923]
Normington Edward [1848-1???]
Ernest Normington [1860-19??]
George Henry Normington [1856-1924]
Irvine Normington [1887-1951]
Isaac Normington [17??-18??]
Isaac Normington [1795-1871]
Jack Normington [1915-1944]
James Robinson Normington [1851-1928]
Joe Normington [1851-1916]
John Normington [1793-1869]
John Normington [1855-1889]
John Normington [1855-19??]
Joseph Normington [1834-1885]
Lewis Normington [1886-1970]
Lewis Boocock Normington [1881-1952]
Mark Normington [1858-1919]
Matthew Normington [1739-1775]
Oliver Normington [1869-19??]
Paul Normington [1847-1905]
Raymond H. Normington [1911-1944]
Samuel Boocock Normington [1858-19??]
Thomas Normington [1827-1???]
William Normington [1829-18??]
William Normington [1834-1882]
William Normington [1836-19??]
William Normington [1893-1916]

© Malcolm Bull 2024
Revised 13:43 / 1st September 2024 / 3870

Page Ref: IX.536

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