Horton Street, Halifax
Horton Street is the 1 in 5 incline road leading from Halifax
railway station up to Ward's End.
It was named after Sir Watts Horton who owned land there, including
that where Halifax railway station stands.
Many of the shops and other buildings on the street were built around
1903 and are listed
A horse trough stood outside the Crown,
Halifax at the approach to Halifax Railway Station.
Property in Horton Street |
The occupants of the properties here have included
- Unknown Address:
- Warehouse of Jonathan Bracken & Sons Limited
- Wilson's hardware shop
- John Oldfield Bates [1809]
- Job Aspinall & Company [1809]
- John Milner & Company [1809]
- Sharp Brearley & Sons [1809]
- Samuel Stead [1816]
- Joseph Brierley, grocer [1822]
- James Hastie, grocer [1822]
- James Hastie, linen draper [1822]
- Ingham's School, Halifax [1822]
- Milner & Bray [1822]
- William Sykes [1822]
- William Hatton & Company [1822]
- George Brown [1829]
- William Casson, land surveyor [1829]
- James Keighley, card maker [1829]
- Cockroft & Ramsden, woolstapler [1829]
- Cockcroft & Ramsden, woolstapler [1834]
- William Barnes Thompson [1834]
- Hartnett's Boarding & Day School, Halifax [1836]
- John Edwards [1837]
- Mrs Elizabeth Farrar [1837]
- S Johnson, woolstapler [1837]
- D Mallinson, clerk of taxes [1837]
- Misses Sarah & Grace Medley [1837]
- Richard Willis, shopman [1837]
- W. & R. Hartley & Company [1845]
- Addison's School, Halifax [1850]
- Ross's School, Halifax [1850]
- Rudd & Kenny [1850]
- Mr Shaw [1860]
- De Warren Rooms, Horton Street [1872]
- Bedworth & Sons [1873]
- David Porter [1875]
- Abraham Lister [1881]
- Luke Holt [1887]
- Halifax Association in Aid of the Deaf & Dumb [1888]
- Harrison & Singleton [1907]
- Thomas Greenwood's Sons Limited [1936]
- RDM Closures Limited [1950s]
- Jewson's gunsmiths [1999]
- Number 1:
- Number 3:
- Number 4:
- Number 5:
- Number 6:
- Number 7:
- Misses Elizabeth & Sarah Knight [1837]
- Number 8:
- Number 9:
- Stansfield Thompson, attorney [1829]
- J. Mackie [1881]
- Number 11:
- Number 12:
- Number 13:
- Number 15:
- Number 16:
- Number 18:
- Number 20:
- Number 21:
- Number 22:
- Number 24:
- Number 27:
- Number 28:
- Number 32:
- Number 35:
- Number 68:
- Albert Works, Halifax [18??]
- Greece House, Halifax [1800]
- Halifax Mechanics' Institute [1832]
- Halifax Police Station: Horton Street [1845]
- Horse Trough, Horton Street [1884]
- Horton House, Halifax [1819]
- India Buildings, Halifax [1861]
- Northumberland House, Halifax [1861]
- Railway Cocoa House, Halifax [1891]
- Transport House, Halifax [1936]
- Ward's End, Halifax
- Wards End Chambers, Halifax
- Woolshops House, Halifax [1822]
Beerhouses & Pubs in Horton Street, Halifax |
Several beerhouses and public houses have been recorded in and
around Horton Street, Halifax, including
- Anderson's Temperance Hotel, Halifax
- Bentley's Commercial Hotel, Halifax
- Commercial Hotel, Halifax
- Crown, Halifax
- Imperial Crown Hotel, Halifax
- Railway Hotel, Halifax
- Richard's Temperance Hotel, Halifax
- Shakespeare, Halifax
- Shoulder of Mutton, Southowram
- Station Hotel, Halifax
- Trevelyan Temperance Hotel, Halifax
- Victoria, Halifax
- Victoria Temperance Hotel, Halifax
- Waverley Temperance Hotel, Halifax
Cross Street, Halifax
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:16 / 30th January 2023 / 13485
Page Ref: KK_120