
The word Cousin originally referred to any kinsman, but is now used for a first cousin or cousin german, that is, the child of your aunt or uncle.

The chart enables you to identify the links to this and other members of your extended family

                                                        | great-   |
                                                        | great-   |
                                                        | great-   |
                                                        | grand-   |
                                                        | parent   |
                                                 |                          |
                                           +-----+----+               +-----+----+
                                           | great-   |               | great-   |
                                           | great-   |               | great-   |
                                           | grand-   |               | grand-   |
                                           | parent   |               | uncle    |
                                           +-----+----+               +-----+----+
                                                 |                          |
                                    +------------+------------+             |
                                    |                         |             |
                              +-----+----+              +-----+----+  +-----+----+
                              | great-   |              | great-   |  | first    |
                              | grand-   |              | grand-   |  | cousin   |
                              | parent   |              | uncle    |  | thrice   |
                              |          |              |          |  | removed  |
                              +-----+----+              +-----+----+  +-----+----+
                                    |                         |             |
                        +-----------+-----------+             |             |
                        |                       |             |             |
                  +-----+----+            +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+
                  | grand-   |            | grand-   |  | first    |  | second   |
                  | parent   |            | uncle    |  | cousin   |  | cousin   |
                  |          |            |          |  | twice    |  | twice    |
                  |          |            |          |  | removed  |  | removed  |
                  +-----+----+            +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+
                        |                       |             |             |
             +----------+---------+             |             |             |
             |                    |             |             |             |
       +-----+----+         +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+
       | parent   |         | uncle    |  | first    |  | second   |  | third    |
       |          |         |          |  | cousin   |  | cousin   |  | cousin   |
       |          |         |          |  | once     |  | once     |  | once     |
       |          |         |          |  | removed  |  | removed  |  | removed  |
       +-----+----+         +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+
             |                    |             |             |             |
      +------+------+             |             |             |             |
      |             |             |             |             |             |
+-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+
|   YOU    |  | brother  |  | first    |  | second   |  | third    |  | fourth   |
|          |  |          |  | cousin   |  | cousin   |  | cousin   |  | cousin   |
+-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+
      |             |             |             |             |             |
      |             |             |             |             |             |
      |             |             |             |             |             |
+-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+
| son      |  | nephew   |  | first    |  | second   |  | third    |  | fourth   |
|          |  |          |  | cousin   |  | cousin   |  | cousin   |  | cousin   |
|          |  |          |  | once     |  | once     |  | once     |  | once     |
|          |  |          |  | removed  |  | removed  |  | removed  |  | removed  |
+-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+
      |             |             |             |             |             |
      |             |             |             |             |             |
      |             |             |             |             |             |
+-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+
| grandson |  | grand-   |  | first    |  | second   |  | third    |  | fourth   |
|          |  | nephew   |  | cousin   |  | cousin   |  | cousin   |  | cousin   |
|          |  |          |  | twice    |  | twice    |  | twice    |  | twice    |
|          |  |          |  | removed  |  | removed  |  | removed  |  | removed  |
+-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+  +-----+----+

See Consanguineo, People Who Cannot Marry and Removed

© Malcolm Bull 2021
Revised 16:22 / 14th April 2021 / 7533

Page Ref: KK_135

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