Parish Church of Saint Thomas à Becket, Heptonstall : Bequests
The following list of bequests for rebuilding and repairs at the
Parish Church of St Thomas à Becket, Heptonstall is taken
from A History of the Stansfield Family
The date is that of the will and the location in
brackets indicates where the work was to be done
- 1467 – Shagh Robert, Heptonstall [Churchyard]
- 1479 October 20. Akerod John, Heptonstall [ditto]
- 1506 October 12. Grenewod William, Heptonstall [Quire of Church]
- 1508 November 20. Greenwood William, Heptonstall [Church]
- 1508 December 10. Stansfeld Thomas [ditto]
- 1508-9 February 20. Grenewode Jacobus, Wadsvvorth [ditto]
- 1509 May 28. Nayler Thomas, Heptonstall [Churchyard]
- 1510 June 10. Nayler Richard [ditto]
Item : lego p'dict. capelle ad supertocœm S'vicii bte : Marie
decem m'cas
- 1514 July 3. Crabtree Thomas, Heptonstall [Churchyard]
- 1514-5 March 14. Shakilton Jacobus, Wadsworth [ditto]
- 1517 August 20. Fayrbank Richard [ditto]
- 1517-8 March 19. Browne sir Robert, priest [Church]
Allso I will that every prest beyng at my dirige and messe, have
iiijd [4d] ; and every clark that can syng id [1d].
Allso I bequeath to the chappell of Heptonstall, a coppe of velwet,
and that my soule, my ffader's soull and my moder's soull be upon the
bedrowll to be praied for evermore, the price of the same
xxti nobilles.
Also I will ther be a trentall of Saynt Gregorie said and sung at
Heptonstall, for my soull and the soulles of Lawrence Bentley and
Jennet his wyffe, and that prest to have xs [10/-].
Allso I bequeath to the makyng of Sourbrige [Sowerby bridge] v
- 1518 November 22. Harde William [Church]
- 1520 November 15. Sutclife Roberte, Cherd (?) [ditto]
- 1520 November 3. Sutclif William [Churchyard]
- 1520-21 January 15. Cokcroft Henry, Burleis [Church]
- 1520-21 February 3. Aykeroide Thomas,Wadsworth [Churchyard]
- 1520-21 February 8. Hanson George [ditto]
- 1521 June 21. Crosley John, Kilnehirst [ditto]
- 1523 April 6. Crosley Peter [South part of the Kirke]
Also I wil towardes the reparellyng of the stepill of the said Kirke
v markes
- 1523 June 10. Gibson John [Churchyard]
- 1524 April 23. Shakelton John [ditto]
- 1526 August 11. Sutclif Henry [ditto]
- 1527 June 10. Crosley Richard [ditto]
- 1528 April 29. Shakilton Elizabeth, relict of James, of Wadsworth banks [Churchyard]
- 1530 November 19. Horsfall Thomas, (Bawdewayne rode) [ditto]
- 1530 I January 3. Sutclyff Robert, Meyrode [Church]
- 1533 December 10. ffarebanke Edmund [Church]
The said Edmund (his son, who was parish clerk of Heptonstall) to pay
yerely to new chapell in the estfeld of Hiperom
(Lightcliffe chapel), towards fyndyng of a prest ther for ever
- 1534 November 5. Hemyngway John, Ayringden [Churchyard]
- 1534 November 4. Crabtre Thomas, Heptonstall [ditto]
- 1534 September 21. Grenwod William, Heptonstall [ditto]
- 1534-5 February 12. Stansfelde Laurence, Stansfeld [Church or Churchyard]
- 1532 October 6. Midgeley William [Churchyard]
- 153s November 10. Crabtre Ric'us, Heptonstall [ditto]
- 1536-7 February 13. Grenewod John, Colden [Church]
I bequeathe to the reparating of the rode lofte at the said
Heptonstall iijs iiijd [3/4d]
- 1537 April 8. Horsfall Robert, Heptonstall [Churchyard]
- 1538 April 7. Sutclif Richard, Heptonstall [Church]
- 1538 November 14. fflecher William [Churchyard]
- 1539 April 9. Mychill William, Heptonstall [Church]
- 1539 June 11. Acroid William, Heptonstall [Churchyard]
- 1539 July 15. Estwood Richard, Aeryngden [Church]
I give other iijs iiijd [3/4d] towards repa'cons of the said churche,
so that my childer children may occupie one forme, next benethe
Bentley forme
- 1539 July 3. Michell James, Blackshayhead [Churchyard]
- 1539 July 20. Sutclif John, Wethyns [ditto]
- 1539-40 January 23. Stancefelde Nicholas, Heptonstall [Church]
- 1539-40 January 14. Thomas William, Helhouse [ditto]
- 1539 December 12. Grenwoode James, Heptonstall [Churchyard]
- 1539 December 9. Sutclif John, Hirst [ditto]
- 1540 May 6. fflecher Richarde, Heptonstall [ditto]
My bodie to be buried in the churche yerde dedicate to God, in the
memorie of the holie apostle Saincte Thomas
- 1540-1 January 12. Hergraves James, Heptonstall [Church]
- 1540 October 7. Bentley William, Heptonstall [Churchyard]
- 1541 April 6. Cokcrofte Agnes, Heptonstall [Church]
Next my forme ende.
Also unto one honest and lawfull preste, which hath no manner
service, iiijll sterlinge, for the space of
one yere ... to serve and say in the parishe churche at Heptonstall,
contynually duringe the saide spacie of one holl yere, matins, messe,
evensonge and all other dyvine servyce, and to pray contynuallye, for
the saul's helth of me, the saide Agnes Cokcrofte, and my parent's
saules, and all christen saules
- 1541 May 16. Thomlynson John, Heptonstall [Church]
- 1542 April 23. Shakilton Chroft (Christopher), Gudgreif [Churchyard]
- 1542 May 19. Sutclif John, Mankynehoilles [ditto]
- 1542-3 January 29. Dickson Agnes, Wadsworth [Church]
- 1542-3 March 20. Nayler Thomas. Wadsworth banks [ditto]
- 1543 May 15. Shakelton John, Walshawe [Churchyard]
- 1543 June 20. Hargraves Richard, Wadsworth [ditto]
- 1543 August 6. Migeley Thomas, Stancefelde [ditto]
- 1543 November 19. fforenes Robert, Ayrynden [Church]
- 1543-4 February 1. Hemyngway James, Heptonstall [Churchyard]
- 1544 April 24. Crabtre Robert, Heptonstall [ditto]
- 1545-6 January 10. Brigge Thomas, Roughe Heade [Churchyard]
- 1545 October 20. Midgley John, Heptonstall [Church]
- 1546 June 12. Naler Alice, Wadsworth banks, widow [Church]
- 1545-6 March 23. Sutclif Robert, Holloke Lee. [Church or Churchyard]
- 1546 November 18. Mychell John, Crosleye [ditto]
- 1547 July 1. Crosseley John, Heptonstall [Churchyard]
- 1548 May 1. Utlay Robert, Heptonstall [ditto]
- 1547-8 February 28. Stansfeld Henrie, Shoore [ditto]
- 1548 May 14. Michell Richarde, hie grenewood [ditto]
- 1549 April 20. Helewell Richard, Whitlee [ditto]
- 1548 June 25. Ferror Henrie, Ewewood [Church]
- 1551 April 5. Grenewood William, Heptonstall [Churchyard]
- 1551 June 11. Brig Richarde, Oldtowne [Church]
- 1556-7 February 8. Aikroode William, Heptonstall [ditto]
- 1582 October 1. Aickroid Robert, Heptonstall [Churchyard]
- 1586 August 7. Hellowell Thomas, parish of Halifax [ditto]
- 1619 September 1 6. Gramshaw James [ditto]
- 1621 August 18. Bell John (nuncupative) [ditto]
- 1621 September 23. Acroid Alice, Langfield [ditto]
- 1627 June 19. Stansfeild Agnes, Wadsworth, widow [Church]
- 1631-2 February 6. Greenewood John, Mansfeild house [Church or Churchyard]
- 1569 June 10. Sutcliff Henry of Aryngden, tailer, bequeathed
Item. I gyve unto the byinge of a bible of the great volome, to the
churche of Heptonstall iijs. iiijd [3/4d]
- 1569 September 23. Sutclyf Thomas of Ould chamber, also gave
to the said churche of Heptonstall xijd. [1/-] towardes the byinge of
one Byble
Baptisms at the Chapels of Heptonstall & Cross Stone,
Burials at the Chapels of Heptonstall & Cross Stone,
John Greenwood's Charity,
Graveyard of St Thomas à Becket, Heptonstall,
History of the Family of Stansfeld of Stansfield,
Luke Hoyle,
Marriages at the Chapels of Heptonstall & Cross Stone,
No One,
Old Mad Sal,
Bequests to Heptonstall Church,
St Thomas à Becket Mission Room and
John Sutcliffe
Malcolm Bull
Revised 18:13 / 24th September 2024 / 10856
Page Ref: KK_26