Harrison Road, Halifax
Harrison Road, Halifax – formerly known as Harrison
Lane – run north-south and lies west of Halifax town centre.
In her journals [June 1823], Anne Lister wrote of a horse fair
There are/were private houses and several public buildings along the
Most of the older buildings here are listed.
The occupants of the properties here have included
- Unknown Address:
- John Burley
- John Greaves
- Halifax Police Station: Harrison Road
- Jackson & Fox
- Barum House, Halifax [18??]
- Halifax Lending Library [1769]
- Bell School, Harrison Road [1815]
- Holy Trinity Infants' School, Harrison Road [1815]
- Isaac Swaine [1822]
- James Swaine [1822]
- Dean & Gaukroger, wheelwrights & joiners [1837]
- Harrison Road Chapel, Halifax [1837]
- John Highley, timber merchant & joiner [1837]
- Charles Barstow [1841]
- Assembly Rooms, Halifax [1845]
- Billiard Rooms, Halifax [1845]
- William Henry Crossland [1850s]
- New Cattle Market, Halifax [1854]
- Blue Coat School & Almshouses [1855]
- Anthony Bancroft [1861]
- Holy Trinity Girls' School [1863]
- John Edwards Hill [1868]
- Halifax Public Reading Room [1882]
- G. H. Gledhill & Sons Limited [1892]
- Trinity Works, Halifax [1892]
- Moore, Shepherd & Whitley [1934]
- Trinity House, Halifax [1987]
- Number 1:
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- Number 11a:
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- Number 17:
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- Number 35:
Barum Top and
Blackwall, Halifax
Malcolm Bull
Revised 15:27 / 2nd June 2022 / 10463
Page Ref: KK_74