Burials in Grave 4204 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4204 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Sarah Rushworth [comber] who died 2nd August 1853 (aged 46 years), daughter of Hannah Atkinson
- Thomas Ryder who died 8th August 1853 (aged 5 years), son of Pitt Ryder [labourer]
- Edward Thomas Wright who died 20th October 1853 (aged 1 month), son of William Wright [plumber]
- John Ripping [pensioner] who died 24th October 1853 (aged 43 years)
- John Thomas Morton who died 29th October 1853 (aged 4 months), son of Mary & John Morton
- A stillborn child who was buried 3rd November 1853
- John Frederick Cooper who died 1st November 1853 (aged 3 weeks), son of Mary Ann Cooper
- Mary Ann Wood Dyson who died 22nd November 1853 (aged 18 weeks), daughter of Elizabeth Dyson
- Hannah Akroyd who died 22nd December 1853 (aged 8 months), daughter of Elizabeth & Jno Akroyd [weaver]
- Andrew Neal who died 25th December 1853 (aged 22 months), son of Sarah & Jno Neal [brush maker]
- Charlotte Webster who died 30th December 1853 (aged 14 months), daughter of Skircoat Geo & Mary
- Fredrick Nuttall who died 30th December 1853 (aged 6 months), son of Ellen & James Nuttall [weaver]
- Richard Henry Rothera who died 8th January 1854 (aged 1 month), son of Hannah Rothera
- William H Washington who died 9th May 1854 (aged 1 year & 9 months), son of Ann & Josh Washington [dyer]
- A stillborn child who was buried 18th October 1854
- Louisa Swallow who died 1st January 1864 (aged 4 years), daughter of Martha Swallow
- Mary McHugh who died 5th January 1864 (aged 18 months), daughter of Ann & Thomas McHugh [labourer]
- Mary Jane Roberts who died 17th January 1864 (aged 2 years), daughter of Chtte & Josh Roberts [waiter]
- Emily Bentley who died 22nd January 1864 (aged 13 days), daughter of Anna Bentley
- Samuel Bottomley who died 23rd January 1864 (aged 18 days), son of Elizabeth & Thomas Bottomley [overlooker]
- A stillborn child who was buried 1st February 1864
- Emily Thompson who died 9th February 1864 (aged 1 day), daughter of Emma & George Thompson [tea dealer]
- Frederick Hebblethwaite who died 11th February 1864 (aged 3 months), son of Mary Ann Hebblethwaite
- Harriet Ann Kitson who died 15th February 1864 (aged 3 months), child of Ann & Harriet Kitson
- Arthur Bancroft who died 27th February 1864 (aged 17 days), son of Elizabeth & William Bancroft [spindle maker]
- A stillborn child who was buried 10th March 1864
- Emily Ann Shaw who died 8th March 1864 (aged 2 years & 8 months), daughter of Martha & George Shaw [wire drawer]
- A stillborn child who was buried 14th April 1864
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:26 / 26th September 2023 / 5857
Page Ref: LL4204