Burials in Grave 4207 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4207 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Ann Sutcliffe who died 12th March 1853 (aged 23 years), daughter of Richard Sutcliffe
- Thomas Oliver who died 4th June 1853 (aged 12 years), son of Mary & Walter Oliver
- Hannah Greenwood who died 4th June 1853 (aged 41 years)
- Isabella Ross who died 6th June 1853 (aged 9 months), daughter of Mary & Adam Ross
- William Johnson who died 22nd June 1853 (aged 3 years & 6 months), son of Mary & William Johnson [joiner]
- Martha M Haynes who died 24th June 1853 (aged 13 months), daughter of Sarah & Thomas Haynes [cordwainer]
- Mary Frankland who died 1st July 1853 (aged 76 years)
- Hannah Bentley who died 4th July 1853 (aged 9 months), daughter of Mary & Ellis Bentley
- Rebecca Hiley who died 28th July 1853 (aged 2 days), daughter of Elizabeth & William Hiley [woolsorter]
- Samuel Howarth who died 29th July 1853 (aged 4 years), son of Hart & William Howarth [joiner]
- A stillborn child who was buried 6th September 1853
- William Baume who died 29th September 1853 (aged 9 days), son of Charlotte Baume
- Levi Wilcock who died 8th August 1860 (aged 17 months), son of Sarah Ann & Padget Wilcock [dyer]
- Elizabeth Boyle who died 12th October 1868 (aged 7 years), daughter of Mary Boyle
- Sarah Ann Pickering [ f weaver] who died 20th October 1868 (aged 8 days), daughter of Sarah & John Pickering
- A stillborn child who was buried 29th October 1868
- Lily Bancroft who died 28th October 1868 (aged 1 Hour days), daughter of Ann & John Bancroft [plaster]
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 10:12 / 26th September 2023 / 4288
Page Ref: LL4207