Burials in Grave 4216 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4216 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Alfred Holt [mill hand] who died 29th October 1850 (aged 16 years)
- Richard Corkin who died 18th November 1850 (aged 14 weeks), son of SarahRed & Richard Corkin [sawyer]
- Dan Collingwood who died 24th November 1850 (aged 9 years), son of Ann & Christr Goodman [carpet weaver]
- Benjamin Wrigley who died 26th December 1850 (aged 11 years), son of Elizabeth & Saml Wrigley [mason]
- Susanah Farnell who died 31st December 1850 (aged 1 year), daughter of Elizabeth & George Farnell [chimney sweep]
- John Simpson [pensioner] who died 8th June 1851 (aged 71 years)
- James Kellett or Read [mason] who died 11th June 1851 (aged 60 years)
- Frederick Mitchell who died 21st March 1863 (aged 16 months), son of Eliza & Thomas Mitchell [mason]
- Sidney Balme who died 16th April 1863 (aged 7 months), son of Hannah & Jno Balme [mason]
- Ellen Atkinson who died 28th April 1863 (aged 5 months), daughter of Mary & George Atkinson [cord wainer]
- Sarah Jane Hollas who died 25th May 1863 (aged 3 years), daughter of Hannah & Josh Hollas [overlooker]
- Emma Jane Whitaker who died 26th May 1863 (aged 3 months), daughter of Emma & Jno Whitaker [warehouseman]
- Albert Oates who died 4th June 1863 (aged 9 months), son of Mary & Henry Oates [carpet weaver]
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:26 / 26th September 2023 / 3913
Page Ref: LL4216