Burials in Grave 4236 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4236 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Sarah Robins who died 7th May 1845 (aged 94 years)
- Christr Lightowler [cardmaker] who died 23rd August 1845 (aged 55 years)
- Walter Stocks who died 25th August 1845 (aged 1 month), son of Elizabeth & William Stocks [confectioner]
- William Carnella [staymaker] who died 6th October 1845 (aged 85 years)
- Edward MacClea [tailor] who died 12th October 1845 (aged 36 years)
- John Turner who died 25th March 1846 (aged Infant years), son of Sarah & John Turner [grocer]
- Elizabeth Schofield who died 18th April 1846 (aged 11 months), daughter of Hannah & Benjn Schofield [engineer]
- Joseph Walsh who died 19th April 1846 (aged 1 year), son of Elizabeth & James Walsh
- Eliza Dowdney who died 14th August 1846 (aged 15 months), daughter of Susan Downey
- Harriet Wilson who died 18th August 1846 (aged 9 weeks), daughter of Grace & John Wilson [printer]
- Fredrick Paine who died 3rd July 1850 (aged 3 years), son of Eliza & William Paine [carpet weaver]
- Thomas Simpson who died 9th July 1850 (aged 8 years), son of Elizabeth & Jno Simpson [barber]
- Alfred James Ward who died 14th July 1850 (aged 14 weeks), son of Elizabeth & William Ward [grocer]
- Mary Jane Bird who died 18th July 1850 (aged 10 months), daughter of Mary & James Bird [comber]
- Ann Dodgson who died 16th November 1850 (aged 4 years), daughter of Elizabeth & James Dodgson [butcher]
- Emma Barker who died 24th November 1850 (aged 4 years), daughter of Mary & Jno Barker [wool comber]
- Emily Cawthra who died 2nd March 1857 (aged 0 days), daughter of Fanny & William Cawthra [draper]
- Infant Son who died 31st May 1858 (aged 12 hours), son of Fanny & William Cawthra [draper]
- Mary Elizabeth Kershaw who died 8th August 1858 (aged 2 years), daughter of Rachel & James Kershaw [labourer]
- Emma Barrans who died 8th August 1858 (aged 2 years), daughter of Hannah & Jno Barrans [labourer]
- Sarah Ellen Kershaw who died 10th August 1858 (aged 2 years), daughter of Rachel & James Kershaw [labourer]
- Jno William Halliwell who died 21st August 1858 (aged 2 weeks), son of Sarah & Chas Halliwell [carpet weaver]
- A stillborn child who was buried 24th August 1858
- A stillborn child who was buried 25th August 1858
- John Jackson who died 19th September 1862 (aged 11 months), son of Ann & Jno Jackson [labourer]
- Charlotte Coppon who died 27th September 1862 (aged 1 year), daughter of Matilda & Josh Coppon [blacksmith]
- George Croker who died 21st December 1862 (aged 2 years & 6 months), son of Sarah Ann & Abraham Croker [coach builder]
- Mary Hannah Sheldrick who died 28th December 1862 (aged 7 months), daughter of Mary & Thomas Sheldrick [joiner]
- A stillborn child who was buried 7th January 1863
- George Walter Turner who died 8th January 1863 (aged 4 months), son of Ann & George Turner [labourer]
- Alfred Crapper Crowther who died 10th January 1863 (aged 1 year & 8 months), child of Sarah Ann Crowther
- James Turner who died 14th January 1863 (aged 2 weeks), son of Henriette & Jno Turner [joiner]
- Maria Burns who died 19th January 1863 (aged 1 year & 11 months), daughter of Eliza & James Burns [labourer]
- William Richmond who died 23rd January 1863 (aged 8 months), son of Hannah & William Richmond [ostler]
- Mary Ann Long who died 25th January 1863 (aged 5 months), daughter of Catherine & James Long [labourer]
- A stillborn child who was buried 29th January 1863
- Richard D Fleming who died 27th February 1863 (aged 2 years), son of Ann & Patrick Fleming [labourer]
- A stillborn child who was buried 20th March 1863
- A stillborn child who was buried 9th December 1864
- Elizabeth E Hunt [carpet weaver] who died 11th June 1869 (aged 2 years), daughter of Elizabeth & Abel Hunt
- A stillborn child who was buried 19th March 1872
- John T Middleton who died 13th November 1872 (aged 7 months), son of Emma & William Middleton [coach man]
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 09:14 / 26th September 2023 / 7859
Page Ref: LL4236