Burials in Grave 4728 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4728 in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Harrt Emma Pollard who died 13th September 1865 (aged 2 years), daughter of Emma & Josh Pollard [joiner]
- Alice A Green who died 21st September 1865 (aged 14 months), daughter of Mary Ann & Saml Green [minner]
- Elizabeth A Parkinson who died 24th September 1865 (aged 3 months), daughter of Isabella & Jno Parkinson [pattern maker]
- A stillborn child who was buried 5th October 1865
- Albert Brier who died 8th October 1865 (aged 6 months), son of Sarah & John Brier [shoemaker]
- A stillborn child who was buried 11th October 1865
- William White who died 9th October 1865 (aged 3 days), son of Mary Ann & Josh White [merchine ?]
- John Poole who died 10th October 1865 (aged 3 years & 8 months), son of Eliza & Richard Pool [tin plate worker]
- Catherine Martin who died 15th October 1865 (aged 1 month), daughter of Mary Martin
- Mary Ann Mc Cue who died 20th October 1865 (aged 8 years), daughter of Bridget & John Mc Cue [labourer]
- Eleanor McGowan who died 22nd October 1865 (aged 1 year & 7 months), daughter of Amelia & John McGowan [warehouseman]
- A stillborn child who was buried 28th October 1865
- A stillborn child who was buried 30th October 1865
- Hannah S Gills who died 29th October 1865 (aged 1 month), daughter of Mary & Michl Gills [labourer]
- Matilda Rigby who died 5th November 1865 (aged 2 years), daughter of Mary Ann & Ralph Rigby [chimney sweep]
- Christopher Moore who died 6th November 1865 (aged 4 years), son of Hannah & John Moore [labourer]
- Alice Bell who died 14th November 1865 (aged 2 years & 11 months), daughter of Louisa & Richard Bell [carpet weaver]
- Jessie Smith who died 20th November 1865 (aged 2 years), daughter of Fanny & Robt Smith
- Lydia Haworth who died 21st November 1865 (aged 0 days), daughter of Hannah & William Howarth [carpet weaver]
- Susannah Bates who died 23rd November 1865 (aged 6 months), daughter of Margaret & Nathan Bates [wood turner]
- Benjamin W Broadbent who died 29th November 1865 (aged 8 months), son of Sarah & David Broadbent [cart driver]
- Jno Edward Whitley who died 5th December 1865 (aged 3 months), son of Fanney Whitley
- George Greenwood who died 6th December 1865 (aged 1 day), son of Emma & Thomas Greenwood [clogger]
- Jane Gordon who died 10th December 1865 (aged 17 months), daughter of Margaret Gardan
- Male Child of W Barrett who died 15th December 1865 (aged 0 days), son of Eliza & William Barrett [cab driver]
- Mary Hannah Gardiner who died 1st September 1866 (aged 1 year), daughter of Ellen & James Gardiner [overlooker]
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:26 / 26th September 2023 / 5849
Page Ref: LL4728