The following documents mention John Brodlegh and members of his family
There is no date on the document, but the date is between 1518 and 1529.
The plaintiff is an adult and he mentions his great grandfather, thus taking us back to the early 1400s
To the most reverent father in God Thomas lord legate a latere archbishop of York and chancellor of England (Thomas Wolsey)
- Humbly shewyth unto youre grace youre dayly oratour John Brodlegh that where John Brodlegh grett granfather unto youre seyd oratour was seyased off and off fee and at his decease possessed off $
- lands & too ?acres off medows and off and in other meses (messuages?) lands and tenements to the yerly valew of xxiiij l (£24) wyth the appurtenances in Skercote Owram and Halyfax in the countie of York in hys $
- demeyane as off fee and so beyng seased by hys dedes and surrenders gave the premysses by the name of all hys lands & tenements wyth the appurtenances in Skercote Owram and Halyfax to $
- Henry Brodlegh granfather unto youre seyd oratour to have and to hold all the seyd lands and tenements to the seyd Henry and to the heyrs of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such to $
- remane to the right heyrs of the aforseyd John for and by vertew wherof the seyd Henry entryd into the premysses and was therof seased in hys demeyane and of fee $
- ??? and after the dysease of the seyd Henry and of the seyd John hys son and heyre ought of right to dyscend & come by way of inheritance to youre oratour7 as son and heyr of the seyd John father to youre seyd oratour lawfully begotten by force of the gyft aforsayd by reason wherof youre seyd oratour hath entryd into the premysses $
- and was therof seased in hys demeane as off feoffytt and so hyt is gracious lord that divers evidences charters muniments and wrytinges concernyng the premysses do remain9 to the hands and possession of Henry Briggs Gylbert Otys and John Brikkett clarke by ?coloure wherof the seyd Henry Briggs Gylbert Ottys & John Brikkett pretended $
- tytle to the premysses and hath mayde and conveyed to them and to others and to their use ??? tate (tear in paper) and feoffment of the premysses by dyverse untrew dedes and dayly ??state11 ?? the possession off youre seyd oratour off and in the premysses and forasmuch as your seyd oratour knoyth not the ?? nor certayntye of the seyd $
- charters muniments wrytings nor wheder they be contayned in bagg boxe or chest sealled or lokked ???? wythout remedy by course of the comon talk $
- and else where unles youre gracesyous remedy of redres to hym be ?? in the behalfe hyt may therfor please your good grace the premysses conceydrered to grant the ?? wrytt $
- to be derectyd to the seyd Henry Briggs Gylbert and John Brykkett comandyng them by vertew therof personally to appere before the kyng ?? court off $
- at a day and uppon a certayn peyn by youre grace to be lymytted and a ?furward examinacon of the premysses & had to compell the seyd Henry Briggs Gylbert Otes and $
- John Brikkett as well to delyver youre oratour the seyd evydence charters muniments & wrytinges as to suffer hym from hencforth peassable to enjoy the $
- possession of the premysses without disturbance vexacon & troble and youre seyd orator shall dayly pray to god for the preservation of ?purpose as long to god
This & associated entries use material contributed by Marie Ball
Page Ref: MMB1702
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