Clifton Common Tram Accident [1915]
On 16th October 1915, there was an accident at Clifton
Common when a solid-tyred Daimler motor bus – the 9:40 pm
from Morley, via Cleckheaton, to Brighouse – careered down the hill.
On this occasion, the driver, John Clark, did not follow the
common practice for trams to stop at the top of Clifton Common,
before descending the hill.
This resulted in the tram going down the hill at a terrifying rate.
Clark applied the brakes, but these failed to act.
In his attempts to slow the tram by means of the kerb, he hit a
telegraph pole and a wheel fell off, causing the vehicle to swing
round and overturn.
3 people were killed:
- sisters Mrs Grace Holroyd Frith [1851-1915] of 41
Rayner Road, Brighouse, who was buried at Brighouse Cemetery [20th
October 1915]
- Mrs Mary Ann Crossley [1853-1915] of 41 Rayner Road,
Brighouse, who died the following day in Huddersfield Infirmary, and
was buried at Brighouse Cemetery [20th October 1915]
- Mr William Henry Smith [1880-1915] a carpet weaver of
Towngate, Clifton, who was killed as he jumped off the bus to escape,
and sustained a broken neck; his wife and 2 sons were injured
Many others were injured:
- Ethel Mary Bottomley of Grave Lane, Clifton
- Maud Cardwell of East Street Brighouse
- Evelyn Haley (aged 10) of Towngate, Clifton, who was
too badly injured to be removed
- Mrs Haley of Towngate, Clifton
- Tom Haley of Towngate, Clifton
- Albert Hartley (aged 13) of Castle Hill, Brighouse
- Laura Jagger (aged 18) of 5 New Road, Clifton, was
knocked down by the runaway wheel and her leg was broken, and she was
taken to Huddersfield Infirmary
- Henry Lister of Wood Top, Brighouse
- Mrs Henry Lister of Wood Top, Brighouse
- William Lockwood (aged 39) of Towngate, Clifton
- Jabez Nunn of Broad Oak Road, Lightcliffe, who was
taken to Huddersfield Infirmary
- Blanche Rayner of Cannon Hill, Clifton
- Lottie Robertshaw (aged 21) of Garlick Street, Brighouse
- Florence Skitmore of Houghton Place, Bradford Road,
- Miss Slater of Piggott Street, Brighouse
- Mrs Smith of Towngate, Clifton (whose husband
William Henry Smith was killed as he jumped off the bus to
escape), and her 2 sons
- Arthur Smith (aged 7)
- Daniel Smith
- Mrs Taylor of Tile Terrace, Brighouse
- Arnold Teale (aged 27) of Bridge Edge, Brighouse, who
was taken to Huddersfield Infirmary
- Carrie Whatmough (aged 17) of Lillands Lane, Brighouse
- Pollie Wood (aged 18) of Denham Square, Brighouse
- Mrs Wright Of Cross Street, Smithy Carr Lane, Brighouse
The driver, John Clark – of 152 Brighton Street,
Heckmondwike – and conductor, Benjamin Holmes, – of Jeffles
Street, Cleckheaton – escaped unharmed
Malcolm Bull
Revised 15:04 / 12th May 2021 / 4719
Page Ref: MMC860