Some Local Deaths

This Foldout collects the entries for some of the people who had self-inflicted, interesting or unusual deaths

Florence Louisa Aaron
The Abergele Disaster
Asa Ackroyd
Francis Wood Ackroyd
Dr George Henry Ainley
John Ainley
George Aked
John Aked
Robert Akrigg
Jonathan Akroyd
Walter Allen
William Bain Anderson
Samuel Appleyard
William Henry Archdeacon
James Archer
Francis Armytage
Thomas Ashton
John Ashworth
Riley, son of William Aspinall
Alexander Asquith
James Asquith
John Green Asquith
Edward Astin
Jonathan Atkinson
Moses Atkinson
Thomas Atkinson
James Auty

Samuel Bailey
Arthur Bairstow
Edwin Smith Bairstow
Carl, son of Jeffrey Bairstow
Edward Baker
Sam Baldwin
Joseph Balmforth
William Balmforth
William Balmforth
Walter Banks
William Barber
Joseph Baron
John Wilfred, son of William Henry Barrett
William Barritt
Charles Bartey
Jonas Bateman
Nathaniel Bates
Rev Thomas Bates
John Bateson
Kathleen Batley
John Baxendale
Alfred Walter Bayes
Isaac Beck
Sarah, wife of Peter Bedford
Abraham Benn
Abraham Bentley
Brian Bentley
Jo, son of Job Bentley
Joseph Edwin Bentley
Joshua Bentley
Mrs Fred Berry
Sarah Elizabeth Berry
Mrs Mary Best
Mary Best
Dan Beverley
Nan Beverley
Sir Alfred Billson
Dr Cecil Alexander Bindley
Mrs Hannah Binks
John Birtwhistle
Rev Amos Blackburn
John Henry, son of John William Blackburn
David Blair
George Bloomer
Iwan Bochen
William John Bonnett
Herbert Boocock
Herbert Shackleton Booth
Annie Matilda Bottomley
Fred Bottomley
Elizabeth, wife of James Bottomley
John Bottomley
Jonathan Bottomley
Samuel Bottomley
Glenn John Bouckley
Robert C. Bowers
William Bowling
Richard Boys
T. H. Bracken & Company Limited
Joseph Bramfitt
Nancy Bramham
Michael Brannan
John Frederick Brearley
Joseph Brearley
Harriet Louisa Bridges
Mrs Ann Briggs
John Briggs
John Briggs
John Briggs
John Henry Briggs
Sir Hylton Ralph Brisco
Broad Tree Hotel, Lee Mount
Mary Broadbent
Samuel Broadley
George Henry Bromley
Joseph Edwards Bromley
Benjamin Brook
Brook's Foundry, Halifax
Willie Brooke
Mr Brooksbank
Gilbert Brooksbank
Benjamin Brown
William Brown
Ada Brumby
Abraham Buckley
Bull, Hebden Bridge
Joseph Bunney
Nathaniel Rhodes Burgin
Samuel Butterfield

John Heaton Cadman
Rev Abraham Birtles Camm
Alexander Carmichael
J. B. H. Carmichael
Alfred Carter
James Carter
George Casson
Thomas (Tom) Castle
Stephen Catherall
Frederick Cavendish
John Cawthra
John Chadwick
Joseph Chambers
William Chapman
Mr Chew
Charles Clark
Mr Clay
Annie, widow of Frank Clay
Janet Elizabeth Clay
John Nigel Clay
William Clay
Fred Clayton
Ralph Clayton
Ann Clegg
Rev John Arthur Clegg
Matilda Clegg
Joseph Cliffe
Charles Clough
John Garforth Cockin
Mr Colley
Geoffrey Collins
Edward Whiteley Collinson
Richard Commons
Patrick Conroy
Thomas Conway
Jane, wife of John Cooper
James Cordingley
Norman Cornwell
Jonathan Coulston
Luke Crabtree
Martha Crabtree
Emily, daughter of Joseph Craven
George Henry Crosland
Abraham Crossley
Mrs Ada Crossley
Edward Crossley
Eli Crossley
Joseph Crossley
Thomas Crossley
William Crossley
George Crowther
John Henry Crowther
Joseph Crowther
Mary Crowther
Nimrod Crowther
George E. Croysdale
Ronald Cunliffe

James William Davis
James Dawson
Samuel Dawson
Rev George Dean
John Dean
James Dearden
John Dearden
Derek Dobson
William Christopher Donahue
Thomas Doogan
Samuel Oxley Drabbs
William Drake
Frank Herbert Dransfield
Henry Draper
Thomas Drury
Mr Duckworth
Edwards Hopton Dyson
Sir Frank Watson Dyson
John Charles Dyson

James Earnshaw
Isaac Easterby
Charles Eastwood
Eli Ogden Eastwood
Olive Elgood Eastwood
Reuben Eastwood
Benjamin Edwards
Bertram Cecil Priestley Edwards
Sir Henry Edwards
John Edwards
Joseph Edwards
Joseph Priestley Edwards
Lewis John Edwards
Priestley August Edwards
William Cecil Edwards
Empress Of Ireland

Frederick William Fairburn
Martha Fairburn
John Farrar
Louisa, wife of John Owen Farrar
Raymond Farrar
William Kershaw Farrar
Florence Louisa Fawcett
Stephen Fawcett
Tom Fawthrop
Tyas Fearnley
Joseph Fell
Greenwood Feltham
Abraham Fielden
John Fielden
John Fielden
John Fielden
Joshua Fielden
Joshua Fielden
Robert Fielden
Robert Fielden
Thomas Fielden
Thomas Fielden
Marshall  Fielden
Thomas Arthington Fielden
Wilfred Fieldhouse
Charles William Fielding
Ernest Fielding
Frank Fielding
Sam Longbottom Fielding
Fred Firth
Abraham Fletcher
Thomas James Flood
Alfred Fossard
Dudley Foster
Edward Fox
Ralph Fox
Tom Foy
Abraham Frank
John Furness

Samuel Garside
Thomas Rowden Stanley Garside
Daughters of John William Gaukroger
Joseph Gaukroger
German U-Boats
Thomas de Getingdon
Abraham Gibson
Lister Gibson
William Gibson
William Gibson
Michael Gilburn
Elizabeth Gill
James Gill

Alice, wife of George Girling
John Gledhill
John George, son of Joseph Riley Gledhill
Sir Richard Gledhill
John Gough
Frederick Goulding
John Graughan
Philip  Crowther
Kenneth Greatorex
Florrie, daughter of John Green
Mary Greenlees
Abraham Greenwood
Daniel Greenwood
David Greenwood
James Greenwood
Jesse Greenwood
John Greenwood
John Greenwood
Wilfred Greenwood
William Greenwood
William Greenwood
Phyllis daughter of Frederick Bailey Gregory
Katherine Grice
Jane Grimshaw
Mr Swarbrick of Grimston Park, Tadcaster
Thomas Robinson Groves
Samuel Guest

John Russell Hadwen
Ivan Hague
Charles Haigh
David Haigh
Edward Haigh
George Haigh
Reuben Haigh
Daughters of Thomas Haigh
William Haigh
William Hainsworth
Richard Halliday
Richard Halliday
John Halstead
Edward Hamer
Northend Nicholls Hamerton
Dr Joseph Handley
Bethel Hanson
Herbert Hanson & family
John Hanson
John Hanson
Kit Hanson
Thomas Kenneth Hanson
Rev Ronald A. Hardy
Abraham Harger
Captain Douglas Hart
David Hartley
May Hartley
Samuel Hartley
Wallace Henry Hartley
William Hartley
Edgar Harwood
James Harwood
Alice Oldfield Healey
Joseph Healey
John Heap
Andrew Heaton
John Heaton
Thomas Preston Heaton
George Hedley
Hamlet Helliwell
Herbert, son of Thomas Helliwell
Abraham Hellowell
Betty, wife of John Hellowell
Isaac Hemingway
John Hemingway
Ziba Hemingway
Jonas Herd
George H. Heseltine
Alfred Heywood
The infant son of George Higham
George Thomas Highley
Jack Hill
Shepherd Hill
Joseph Hilton
Frederick Hinchcliffe
Charles Edward Hinchliffe
Samuel Hirst
Samuel Edgar Hirst
John Hitchen
Samuel Hitchen
William Hitchen
Captain John Hodgson
Dr Joseph Hodgson
Sutcliffe Hodgson
Whiteley Hodgson
George Hogarth
Henry Holdsworth
Tom Holdsworth
William Holdsworth
John Holgate
Wilfred Holgate
James Hollas
A. Hollindrake
Haigh Hollinrake
John Thomas Hollinrake
James Hollows
Rev Charles Richard Holmes
Hilda Varley Holmes
John Holmes
Levi Holroyd
Richard Holroyd
William Holroyd
James Holt
Thomas Holt
Thomas Holt
Janet  Hoole
Mr Hoosey
Mr Hopkins
George Horner
Sarah Ellen, wife of Frank Horsfall
John Horsfall
James, son of Joseph Henry Horsfall
William Horsfall
William Horsfall
Fred, son of John Horsfield
Will Horsley
Richard Henry Horton
David Howard
Charles Howarth
Howarth David
James Howarth
Tom Howarth
Thomas Howgate
Kenneth Robert Howorth
Mary Howorth
Elkanah Hoyle
Rev Joseph Hoyle
Joshua Hodson Hoyle
Luke Hoyle

Ben Illingworth
Influenza Pandemic of 1918
Henry Ingham
Lola Irvine

William Jackman
John Theodore Jackson
Sarah Jackson
William Jackson
Mrs Emmeline Jagger
Frank Jagger
John Jagger
Hubert Stephan de Jastrzębski
Wooler  Jenkinson
Thomas Jennings
Lewis Farley Clogston Johnston
Henry Jones
Llewellyn Jones
Richard Jones
Richard Jowett
John Judson
Squire Judson

Peter Kaye
Francis Richard (Frank) Keating
Stephen Keegan
Benjamin Keighley
Samuel Kellett
Patrick Kelly
John Kenworthy
Mr Kershaw
Elizabeth Kershaw
Emily Kershaw
3 children of James Kershaw
John Kershaw
Richard Kershaw
William King
Stefan Ivan Kiszko
Henry Knapton
Eric Knight

Henry Lacy
Stephen Lambert
Thomas Lambert
Lanks: Bob o' Lanks
Abraham Law
James Law
Robert Law
Sarah Law
Rev Thomas Law
Thomas Law
Jonathan Laycock
Edward Leadbetter
William Leaver
Vinah Leeming
Captain J. E. Leigh
Edward Egerton Leigh
Kenneth M. Lent
George Lister
Harold Lister
Herbert Lister
Rev John Lister
Samuel Lister
William Lister
John Longbottom
John William Longbottom
Frank Lord
Samuel Lord
William Lord
Richard Ludley
Joseph Lum
Ely Lumb
George Lumb
John Lumb
William Lumb
John Lumley-Savile
George Lupton

Dr Arthur Frederick Macaulay
Eric Donald Mackintosh
Mrs Mary Mallinson
Frank Marsden
Albert Marshall
Eli Marshall
Mrs Sarah Marshall
William Marston
Henry Maude
Michael McCabe
Michael McCabe
Henry Charles McCrea
Mrs Betsy McFinnie
John McGrath
Hannah Martha Meadowcroft
Alfred Exley Mellor
Ian Metcalfe
Benjamin Micklethwaite
Dr Midgley
Dr Samuel Midgley
Thomas Midgley
John A. Miller
Joshua Milner
William Milnes
Daniel Milton
John Mitchell
Jonas Mitchell
Joseph Mitchell
William Mitchell
Charles Anthony Moody
Harry Moore
Thomas Myers

Joseph Naylor
Michael Needham
Abraham Newell
Joseph Nicholl
Joseph Nicholl
William Nicholl
Milner, son of Thomas Noble
Joseph Norminton
Samuel Nothard
Miss Nowell
James Arthur Nuttall
John Nutter

George Oakes
Joe Oates
James Henry Ogden

Mary Ann Ogden
William Edward Ogden
George Oldfield
William Alexander Wildman Orange

Joseph Park
Robert Parker
Thomas Parker
Bell Parkin
Rev John Parmiter
Emma Jane, daughter of Mrs Elizabeth Pascall
William Bennett Patchett
Eric Sapho Pearson
Annis, daughter of Harry Pearson
William Pearson
Samuel Pengrove
Captain Pickles
David Pickles
Henry Pickles
James Pickles
Thomas Pickles
John William Pim
Joseph Pitchforth
Joseph Pitchforth
Sylvia Plath
Eric Platt
John Platt
Henry William Pohlmann
Henry William Pohlmann
A. Pollard
William Pollard
Lacy, son of William Postlethwaite
John Preston
Rev John Preston
Captain E. C. H. Price
Eliza Priestley
Samuel Priestley
Samuel Priestley
William Henry Priestley
John Pritchard
George Thomas Proberts

Annie Quick

George Henry Radcliffe
Robert Ramsbottom
George Taylor Ramsden
Grace Ramsden
James Ramsden
John Ramsden
James Ratcliffe
Charles Rawson
John Markland Rawson
William Rawson
Commander Wyatt Rawson
Mary Raynard
Richard Redman
Mr Reynolds
William, son of Rev William Reynolds
Agnes Rigby
Arthur Riley
Edwin Eli Riley
Fred Riley
Maggie, daughter of Mr Robden
Ian Holdsworth Robertson
John Robinson
R. S. P. Robinson
Walter Robinson
Edward Rookes
Jeremiah Rossendale
Martha Ann wife of Jacob Rothera
Joseph Rothera
Sir John Royds
Arthur Rushworth

Donald Joseph Sagar
Sutcliffe Sager
Johannes de Sancto Bosco
Arthur Sarratt
Sir George Savile
John Scholfield
Thomas Scowby
Mr Seddon
James Robert Sewell
Sir Ernest Shackleton
Mary Sharp
James Shaw
John Shaw
John Hankin Shaw
Jock Shead
William Shepherd
William Shepley
William Shreeve
James Shuttleworth
O. C. Silverlock
Fred Simms
Charles Smith
Ely Smith
Frank Smith
Horace Smith
Joshua Smith
Newton Smith
Sarah Smith
William Smith
Benjamin Smithies
Thomas Somerscales
William Southwell
Rev Sutcliffe Sowden
Rev Frederick William Sparkes
Joe Turner Spencer
John Trevor Standeven
David Stansfeld
Mrs Annie Stansfield
Robert Stansfield
Ruth Stansfield
William Stansfield
William Stansfield
William Stansfield
Wife & son of Henry Stark
Timothy Starkey
Dame Mary Startin
Simon Sterne
Fred Stevens
Benjamin Stocks
Edwin Stott
Elizabeth Stott
Fred Stott
Phillip Surguy Straw
David Goldthorp Sugden
Geoffrey Michael Sugden
Lloyd Dewhirst Summerscales
Jonas Brook Sunderland
William Sunderland
Marjorie, daughter of Albert Sutcliffe
Isaac Sutcliffe
Josiah Sutcliffe
Richard Sutcliffe
Robert Sutcliffe
Robert Sutcliffe
Thomas Sutcliffe
William Sutcliffe
Jeremiah Suthers
William Suthers
Frank Edgar Swaine
Jeremiah Swift
John Swire
Horace Sykes
James Albert Sykes
John Sykes
William Sykes

William Tasker
Dan Taylor
Henry Taylor
Joseph Taylor
Samuel Taylor
Thomas Taylor
Enoch Tempest
William James Terrell
John Terry
Richard Theaker
Edwin Thewlis
Cornelius Charles Thomas
Ethel Thompson
James Thompson
Mary Thompson
Alfred Thornton
Arnold Thornton
William Thornton
Benjamin Thwaite
Samuel Thwaite
William Tidswell
Guy Langton Tillotson
Ada Townsend
Rev Eric Treacy
Elkanah Turner
Jane Turner
John Turner
John Robert Turner
Tom Turner
Rev William Turner
Joseph Tweed

George Alfred Ulrich
Robert Uttley

Nora Varney
Mr Vicarman
John Vicars

Sarah Jane, daughter on John Wade
Abraham Wadsworth
Joseph, son of Giles Wadsworth
James Wadsworth
Robert Wadsworth
Thomas Wadsworth
Dr Alfred Wainhouse
Herbert Wainhouse
John Wainhouse
William Wainhouse
Frederic Walker
John Walker
John Edward Walsh
Thomas Walsh
Arthur Walton
Frederick Edward Walton
William Keighley Walton
Rev John Warburton
James Ward
Sir William de Warenne
Charles Herbert Warrington
Water Molly
James Waterhouse
Arthur Watson
James Weatherill
Susannah Webster
Major A. J. Weeding
The victims of the fire at Wellington Mills
Crossley Westerman
John Westwood
Ammon Willis Whitehead
Thomas Whitehead
Charles Whiteley
Mrs George Whiteley
George Albert Whiteley
Hiley Whiteley
Joseph Whiteley
Robert Whiteley
Ezra Whitelock
Thomas Whitley
John Whitworth
Joseph Whiteley Whitworth
Abimelech Wilcock
Herbert Wesley Wilcock
Jonas Wild
Lucy Ann Wild
Nancy Wild
Reginald Arthur Wilkinson
Dr Willans
Sutcliffe Willcock
William, 3rd Earl
Rev John Pandy Williams
Christopher Willocks
James Willson
Joshua Wilson
Mary Wilton
Canon Ernest Winter
George Wisker
Jacob Womersley
Alice Wood
Graham Milton Wood
James Robert Wood
John Wood
Joseph Wood
Mary Morgan, servant of Richard Wood
Samuel Wood
Sarah Ann Wood
Cawthra Woodhead
Joseph Wordsworth
Edward Worsnop
John Edgar Worsnop
Samuel Wright
Samuel, son of Edmund Wrigley
Henry Wrigley

See Deaths in Childbirth and Deaths of Local Men & Women in War

© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 13:25 / 31st January 2025 / 69505

Page Ref: MMD696

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