Elland ...

Entries beginning Elland ... and The Elland ... are gathered together in this Sidetrack.

EllandRef 30-E46
The town lies on the south banks of the Calder and the Calder & Hebble Navigation which flow below the town

See Population, Calder Registration District and Parish statistics

This & associated entries use material contributed by Kai Roberts

Elland Ambulance AssociationRef 30-20
Recorded around 1916, when Shaw Mackrell was a member

Elland & District Cricket ClubRef 30-E408
Elland Cricket Club was established around 1860 by members of Provident Independent Sunday School.

In June 1878, an Australian touring team came to play against the club. The Australians won.

On 1st September 1932, the Club bought their ground for £1,000.

See Eighteen of Elland, Stuart David Fletcher, Hullen Edge Hall, Elland, Thomas Joseph Tong and Albert Townsend

Elland Anti-Vibration Safety BicycleRef 30-E42
See Cooper Kitchen

Elland Area Council OfficesRef 30-E167
Southgate / Elizabeth Street. Built in 1895.

The stocks from Elland Gaol were re-erected in the garden of the building.

See Elland Town Hall

Elland BathsRef 30-19

Elland Bill Posting CompanyRef 30-E474
Recorded in 1905 with offices at 3 Church Street, Elland

Elland Bottling CompanyRef 30-E473
Spa Well. Recorded in 1874 as ale and porter merchants when E. Firth was Manager.

On 22nd March 1879, fire gutted their premises at Spa Well Mill, Elland.

Recorded in 1905, when the company was mineral water manufacturers established by Robert Bairstow at Heathfield Street, Elland

Elland Boys' BrigadeRef 30-10
The 1st Elland Company was established around 1904 at Elland Wesley.

The 5th Halifax (Elland) Company was established in 1906 when the 1st Elland Company and the Halifax Battalion merged.

See Gordon Baume and Elland Boys' Brigade Memorial

Elland BridgeRef 30-E381
Historically, the crossing of the Calder at Elland was a set of stepping-stones.

There was a ducking stool here at one time.

A bridge over the river at Elland was mentioned in 1199, in 1316, in 1483, and in 1540. These were made of wood and were frequently swept away in floods.

A stone bridge was built in 1579 by Richard Aske.

The foundations soon collapsed, and it was rebuilt by West Riding JPs in 1584. This bridge was swept away by floods in September 1615 and replaced in 1617 at a cost of £485.

The bridge was extended in 1797 and 1809, and finally completed in 1813, bridging both the River Calder and the Calder & Hebble Navigation.

It was further widened in 1896/1897 – from 22½ ft to 36 ft – and the foundations were built on piles. It reopened on 13th November 1897.

In 1990, new weirs were constructed to replace one which was shattered by a flood in 1966.

The Bridge is owned and maintained by the Canal & River Trust.

The Bridge was badly damaged in the floods of December 2015.

See Elland Lower toll gate, River Crossing Calder, John Sayvill, Sheffield Royd, West Vale and Woodbridge, Elland

Elland Brotherhood Association Football ClubRef 30-12
Recorded in 1940

Elland bypassRef 30-E382
Aka Calderdale Way. New road to link the M62 with Salterhebble and Halifax, bypassing Elland.

The road was proposed in 1963 but met with objections. These were overruled by a public enquiry in 1969.

700,000 tons of rock had to be blasted to make the route through Elland Wood Bottom. Opened in 1978.

See Elland Hall, Exley Sandstone Quarry and Riverside Mill, Elland

Elland Canal BasinRef 30-E630
Canal basin near Elland Bridge on the Calder & Hebble Navigation

This & associated entries use material contributed by Darrell Prest

Elland CastleRef 30-E542
A small building which stood at the south-east corner of the churchyard of Elland Parish Church.

It was inhabited.

Occupants included Jim Fenton [1800].

It was the Ring of Bells, Elland [1826].

It was demolished in 1835 (or 1829) when the churchyard was extended

This & associated entries use material contributed by Kai Roberts

Elland Central HallRef 30-E92
The current name for the former Wesleyan Reform Church, Elland

Elland CharterRef 30-18
A Royal Charter allowing a market to be held in Elland was granted in 1317

See Charter

Elland: Churches & ChapelsRef 30-3

Elland ChurchwardensRef 30-9
The list of the people who have held the post of Churchwarden for Elland includes

This & associated entries use material contributed by Derrick Habergham

Elland Clerical SocietyRef 30-E489
Aka Elland Society. An evangelical society established around 1770 by Rev George Burnett and Rev Venn to support young men who were likely to become evangelical clergymen, and who wished to be ordained, and helped them to go to university.

The incumbent of Elland Church was always admitted as a member of the Society.

Because Rev William Atkinson was a Puseyite, he was blackballed. He offered the Society use of his room at the parsonage for meetings, and the Church for their evening service. They declined the offer and moved to Huddersfield

Elland Co-OpRef 30-E64
Branch number 11 of the Halifax Industrial Society opened in December 1862 at Victoria Road. It had a boot and shoe department.

See Elland Co-operative Society

Elland CommonRef 30-E627
Recorded in 1614 as the name for the land extending south and west from Elland Church towards Blackley

Elland Conservative & Unionist AssociationRef 30-E719
Listed at 28 Prescott Street, Halifax [1936].

See Elland Division Conservative Association

Elland constablesRef 30-E750
The Foldout lists some of the people who have served as Police Officers in Elland

Elland Constitutional ClubRef 30-E466
Stands at the corner of Coronation Street and Victoria Road.

The building is dated 1901 and opened in 1902 at purpose-built premises.

There was a balcony at the corner of Coronation Street and Victoria Road. The building was later extended to incorporate the balcony.

Recorded in March 1916, when the Elland Madrigal Society presented a Concert at the Club in aid of the local branch of St John's Ambulance Brigade, Elland.

Recorded in 1917, when Alfred S. Luty was secretary.

The club closed in 1956, and the building stood empty for 3 years.

In 1959, it was bought by Elland Urban District Council.

In 1960, it was converted into the town's Central Library

See Elland Constitutional Club Memorial

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Elland Co-operative SocietyRef 30-17
The Elland Co-Op of the Halifax Industrial Society opened in December 1862,

Stores of the Elland Co-operative Society opened in Southgate [14th September 1868]

Elland Cricket, Athletic & Bowling ClubRef 30-14
Recorded in 1914

Elland CrossRef 30-E81
A stone cross near the Savile Arms, Elland was used by preachers. It was recorded in 17??.

The surrounding area became known as The Cross.

The cross was removed in 18??

Elland-cum-GreetlandRef 30-E391
Township of Elland parish which comprised Elland and Greetland.

It was a part of the Honour of Pontefract.

In 1379, the township was the wealthiest in the parish of Halifax.

The civil parish was abolished in 1894 and divided into the parishes of Elland, Greetland and Upper Greetland.

See Population, Elland with Greetland Workhouse and Parish statistics

This & associated entries use material contributed by David Cant

Elland-cum-Greetland Board of GuardiansRef 30-E621
A part of the Halifax Poor Law Union.

Those who have served on the Board of Guardians for Elland-cum-Greetland township have included

Elland-cum-Greetland Female Friendly SocietyRef 30-E490
A friendly society

Elland-cum-Greetland Gas CompanyRef 30-E482
Aka Elland Gas Company. Established on 6th May 1836. Managers have included Robert Dempster [1850] and James Bridge [1941].

See Elland Gas Works, Robert Thornton and Tom Turner

Elland-cum-Greetland Mill CompanyRef 30-E606
Aka Elland & Greetland Mill Company. Recorded in 1861, when Richard Brook was Treasurer.

William Brook may also have been a member of the organisation

Elland-cum-Greetland Overseers of the PoorRef 30-E215
The Foldout lists some of the people who have served as Overseer of the Poor for Elland-cum-Greetland

Elland District CouncilRef 30-E664
Recorded in 1911

See Hyde Sharratt

Elland DivisionRef 30-E669
See Elland Division Conservative Association and MPs for Elland

Elland Division Conservative AssociationRef 30-E531
Recorded in 1917 at 7 Southgate, Halifax when F. M. Box was honorary secretary.

See Sam Blackburn, Elland Conservative & Unionist Association and Elland Division

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Elland Divisional Liberal AssociationRef 30-E532
Recorded in 1917 at Palace Buildings, Ward's End, Halifax when A. M. Denham was secretary.

See Elland Liberal Association

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

The Elland EchoRef 30-E398
Weekly newspaper published by John Hartley. Published on Fridays.

See Brighouse & Elland Echo, Brighouse Echo and Elland Echo Historical Almanack

The Elland Echo Historical AlmanackRef 30-E397
Almanac produced by John Hartley at the end of the 19th century

Elland Economic StoresRef 30-E161
Victoria Road / Southgate. A branch of Economic Stores (Halifax) Limited.

Opened in 1???.

Closed in 1913-1914, when the building was demolished for the widening of Victoria Road, and moved to the other (north) side of Victoria Road

Elland EdgeRef 30-E182
See Lower Edge, Elland and Upper Edge, Elland

Elland Edge BandRef 30-E393
19th century brass band

Elland fairRef 30-E385
In 1316, Edward I granted to John de Eland 2 fairs lasting 6 days: one on the vigil and day of St Barnabas the Apostle [11th June], and the other on the vigil and day of St Peter Ad Vincula [18th January].

In modern times, Elland fair was held on the first Monday after the 12th August

Elland FeudRef 30-E374
A feud between the Lacy and the Warren families which lasted from 1317 to 1354.

See Thomas Eland, Other feuds and John Hanson's Household Book

This & associated entries use material contributed by Kai Roberts

Elland Finishing CompanyRef 30-E476
South Lane, Elland

Elland Fire BrigadeRef 30-E751
The Elland Unity Fire Brigade is recorded when they tackled a mill fire on 8th December 1866

Elland Fire StationRef 30-E480
The old fire station stood in Elizabeth Street. It has been converted into shops and a Café

A new fire station was built in 1???.

In 2011, it was announced that this, Brighouse Fire Station, and Rastrick Fire Station would close and the resources be combined into a single unit at Rastrick.

Elland flagsRef 30-E389
Paving stones and flagstones made from a superior quality natural sandstone found at Elland, and elsewhere in the district – including Hipperholme Lightcliffe Northowram Queensbury and Southowram.

This was a fine-grained stone, strong and durable, with the upper levels being suitable for paving and roofing stones.

Named for similar beds located at Lower Edge, Rastrick which were deeper in the ground, overlaid by shales and the lower quality sandstone some 60 ft or so below the surface.

The stone is easily split along its bedding plane, producing the thin flags. These are often used as paving, roofing and thakstones. The sandstone lies below the coal deposits and above millstone grit in many local areas. By 1860, the best Elland Flags had been worked out near the surface, and shafts were sunk to mine the stone. Mining continued into the 20th century but the number of mines gradually reduced.

The last mine was Southage's at Rastrick which closed in 1955

See Ashday Rutway and Brier Lane Quarry, Southowram

Elland Floral & Horticultural SocietyRef 30-E492
Established in 1868.

On 17th August 1869, they held their 2nd annual show in the grounds adjoining Whitwell Place and attracted about 7000 visitors.

Disbanded on 27th August 1936

Elland Flour Mills LimitedRef 30-E494
Corn millers at Woodside Flour Mill, Elland [1905].

On 22nd April 1907, there was a serious fire at their mill

Elland Football ClubRef 30-13
In 1914, it was recorded as now defunct

Elland Football ClubRef 30-E484
Established in 18?? Their effects were sold in September 1900

Elland Free WanderersRef 30-E761
Junior rugby union [?] club. Recorded in April 1899

See Elland Wanderers Football Club

Elland Friendly SocietyRef 30-E491
Friendly society recorded in 1830. Formerly Ancient Order of Foresters (Court Temperance No 371)

Elland GaolRef 30-E43
There was lockup and stocks at the Cross, near Elland Parish Church.

One of the last victims of the stocks was John Ogden who was arrested in October 1863.

A new gaol was built in 1821 at South End, opposite Elland Town Hall. The pinfold was in a yard next to the prison and the old stocks were moved to the new prison. The old prison was used as the Boys' Sunday School for the Parish Church.

In the 1880s, the building ceased to be a jail when a new police station was built at Burley Street.

The old prison was known as the Old Town's Rooms, after it was adapted as a meeting room, where the Old Men's Parliament – or Pinfold Parliament – gathered on most days. The Old Town's Rooms were the site for the first public library in Elland and was used as a bus and tram shelter.

By the late 1880s the stocks were falling into disrepair until a local Press campaign resulted in them being refurbished.

In 1963, the prison was demolished to make way for a road scheme, and there is a roundabout on the site.

Above the entrance to the prison was a stone with the words

Whoso keepeth the Law is wise

When the gaol was demolished, this plaque was rescued, along with the stocks. In 1977, the plaque was installed above one of the doors at Elland Area Council Offices in Elizabeth Street, and the stocks – now listed – were re-erected in the adjoining garden.

See Elland Library

Elland Gas ActRef 30-E345
Recorded in 1845-1861

Elland Golf ClubRef 30-E530
Recorded in 1917 at Hullen Edge when E. Thorpe was secretary

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Elland HallRef 30-E201
See Old Hall, Elland, New Hall, Elland, and Elland Hall Chapel

Elland Higher Toll GateRef 30-E296
Toll gate on the Rochdale to Halifax & Elland Turnpike

Elland Historical SocietyRef 30-E493
See Greater Elland Historical Society

Elland Hunters' Selling PlateRef 30-E221
See Halifax Race Course

Elland Isolation HospitalRef 30-E353
Broad Carr. Recorded in 1905

Elland Joint Stock Corn Mill Company LimitedRef 30-E475
Established in 1???. Dissolved in April 1883

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Elland Junior Silver BandRef 30-E695

See Elland Silver Band

Elland Juvenile Foresters SocietyRef 30-E496
See Foresters

Elland Labour ClubRef 30-E670
Opened on 20th September 1924

Elland Liberal AssociationRef 30-E488
See James Booth, Elland Divisional Liberal Association and Elland Liberal Club

Elland Liberal ClubRef 30-E483
Huddersfield Road.

Opened on 28th November 1903. The cost was £2,900.

In 1917, James Dyson was secretary.

See Elland Liberal Association and Elland Liberal Club War Memorial

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Elland LibraryRef 30-E228
The Library in Elland has been in several locations

Elland Lighthouse TentRef 30-4
A Tent [branch] of the Order of Rechabites.

Recorded in 1891 in a claim for £18 sick pay by Clara Jane Ogden, the widow of a former member.

Recorded in 1910, when Samuel Akroyd was treasurer

This & associated entries use material contributed by Pat Akroyd

Elland Literary SocietyRef 30-16
Formed in 18??.

It was disbanded in 1891, and the library was handed over to the committee of the Elland Mechanics' Institute

Elland Local BoardRef 30-E89
Established in 1852.

On 1st March 1867, the supply of water to Elland by the Halifax Corporation commenced, when the members of the Elland Local Board of Health and other gentlemen dined together in celebration of the event.

See Dr R. N. Denning, Local Board, Mr Spencer and William Stott

Elland LockRef 30-E404
Lock #22 on the Calder & Hebble Navigation.

The water level in the lock is higher than the adjacent Park Road. Built around 1770.

The lock-keeper's cottage stands alongside

Elland Lower Edge Co-operative StoreRef 30-E578
A branch opened at Lower Edge Road, Elland [opened 1???]

This & associated entries use material contributed by Malcolm Terry

Elland Lower Toll GateRef 30-E65
Toll gate on the Rochdale to Halifax & Elland Turnpike.

The toll booth stood at the north-east end of Elland Bridge

Tolls were abolished here in 1880.

See John Greenwood

Elland Madrigal SocietyRef 30-6
Recorded in March 1916, when they presented a Concert at the Constitutional Club, Elland in aid of the local branch of St John's Ambulance Brigade, Elland.

Miss Edith Etherington performed at the Concert

This & associated entries use material contributed by Ivan Birch

Elland Male Voice ChoirRef 30-E395
Established in 1???.

See Halifax Male Voice Choir

Elland, Manor ofRef 30-E384
It was a submanor of the Honour of Pontefract and was granted to the Ilbert de Lacy [1067]. It was acquired by the Elland family of Elland Old Hall in the 13th century.

When Sir John Elland and his son had been murdered and the line had died out, the Savile family – who had joined the Ellands by the marriage of Sir John Savile and Isobel de Eland – took over the manor of Elland.

Lord George Halifax Lumley-Savile auctioned off the title of Lord of the Manor in the 1990s.

See Elland fairs and Elland market

Elland marketRef 30-E136
On 24th February 1317, Edward II granted to John de Eland a free market at the Manor of Elland every Tuesday, and the right to have 2 fairs there every year on the feast of St Peter ad Vincula and on the feast of St Barnabas the Apostle and on the 2 preceding days.

See Markets

Elland Mechanics' HallRef 30-E479
Opened in 18??.

Catholic services were held here until 1901 when St Patrick's Catholic Church, West Vale opened

Elland Mechanics' InstituteRef 30-E478
There was a failed attempt to establish a Mechanics' Institute in 1830.

By 1846, there was an Institute in the town.

The founder members included

In 1848, some members left to form the Greetland Mutual Improvement Society.

By 1871, the Institute had closed.

See Elland Literary Society

Elland Methodist SocietyRef 30-15
Recorded in the 18th century, when members included:

Elland: MillsRef 30-2

Elland MPsRef 30-E323

Elland MuseumRef 30-E674
Opened on 24th October 1931 in what had been the Billiard Room at Ellen Royde. At the time, Joe Ainley was Chairman of the Library Committee of Elland Council.

A major donor to the Museum was Herbert Spencer who gave a collection of (stuffed?) wild birds. Other gifts were received from Miss Dodgson, daughter of Joshua Dodgson; James A. Brearley; Ernest Dearing

In 1960, the Library moved to the building previously occupied by the Elland Constitutional Club

Question: Does anyone know where the Museum exhibits were after 1960?


This & associated entries use material contributed by David Glanfield

Elland Musical FestivalRef 30-E386
Established in 18??

Elland Naturalists' SocietyRef 30-E551
Recorded in 1905. The Society's rooms were at Elland Town Hall

See Greetland Naturalist Group and West Vale Naturalist Group

Elland parishRef 30-E390
The parish comprised the 8 townships of Elland-cum-Greetland, Barkisland, Fixby, Norland, Rastrick, Rishworth, Soyland, and Stainland and was served by Elland Parish Church.

The civil parish of Elland-cum-Greetland was abolished in 1894 and divided into the parishes of Elland, Greetland and Upper Greetland.

See Elland Parochial Chapelry and Elland Parish Church

Elland Parish ChurchRef 30-E375

Elland Parish HallRef 30-E539
From 1895, Jepson Lane Baptist Church was used as a parish hall

Elland Parochial ChapelryRef 30-E181
The townships of Barkisland, Fixby, Elland-cum-Greetland, Norland, Old Lindley, Rastrick, Rishworth, Soyland, and Stainland within the Chapelry of Elland Parish Church.

See Parish of Elland, Halifax Parochial Chapelry, Heptonstall Parochial Chapelry and Poor Law Union

Elland Parochial HallRef 30-E347
Opened on 27th April 1929 after its predecessor – in the former Jepson Lane Baptist Church – was demolished

Elland Police StationRef 30-E481
Burley Street.

Built around 1890 to replace the old Elland Gaol.

In September 2012, this was one of a number of local police stations which were to be closed and sold off in order to cut costs

This & associated entries use material contributed by Kai Roberts & David Stock

Elland Post OfficeRef 30-E485
Originally at the former Liverpool Stores in Southgate – almost opposite the Royal George.

In 1910, the Post Office was moved to the present site at the junction of Southgate and Victoria Road.

In 2015, the Post Office was at the junction of Southgate and Langdale Street.

Postmasters / Postmistresses Bank have included

  • Ann Buckley – Postmistress [1845]
  • James Brook – Postmaster [1861, 1874]
  • Thomas Sutcliffe – Postmaster and jeweller at the Post  Office, the Cross, Elland [1891]

Elland Power StationRef 30-E207
Lowfields, Elland. The new power station was planned in 1945. Begun in 1951. Cost £10 million. Went into operation on 7th August 1959. Officially opened on 28th April 1961.

In 196?, the station won an award for its clean and efficient operation.

A coal conveyor was destroyed by fire on 22nd November 1971.

Production stopped in 1991. The towers were demolished in 1996 and the land is now the Lowfields Industrial Estate

Elland Private HospitalRef 30-E607

Elland Public HallRef 30-E32
Originally Elland Mechanics' Hall. Church services were held here.

See St John the Evangelist, West Vale

Elland: Pubs & InnsRef 30-1

Elland Race CourseRef 30-E407
Stood between Victoria Road and South Lane. The last meeting was held in 1790

Elland Railway StationRef 30-E444
In 1839, the Manchester to Leeds railway came through Elland.

A meeting at the Savile Arms, Elland decided that Elland needed its own railway station.

The route of the Manchester & Leeds Railway by-passed Halifax, and passengers and goods had to depart and arrive at Sowerby Bridge or Elland.

The station opened in 1842. It stood between Valley Mills, Elland and Exley Lane.

Two further stations opened on 1st August 1865, and in 1894.

The station finally closed to passengers on 8th September 1962. The freight depot closed in 1965.

There were accidents here on 16th May 1891, 31st August 1933, and 25th January 1965.

Stationmasters at the Station have included

In 2007, talks were in progress regarding a new railway station on a site close to the Nu-Swift International building.

The Brighouse Echo [16th September 2021] reported

The West Yorkshire Combined Authority has submitted a full planning application to Calderdale Council for a new £20 million railway station at Elland

See Charles Cornwell, Southowram & Elland Light Railway and Railway Hotel

This & associated entries use material contributed by David Stock

Elland Recreation GroundRef 30-E668
On 27th July 1912, a shelter in memory of Hyde Sharratt opened in the recreation ground

Elland Rifle ClubRef 30-11
Recorded in 1917.

The founders included:

They had a rifle rage in Elland Wood Bottom.

See Exley Sandstone Quarry

This & associated entries use material contributed by Rod Fisher

Elland School BoardRef 30-E67
School Board set up in 18??.

Closed in March 1904.

See Isaac Dewhirst, Arthur William Law and Joseph Harger Mitchell

Elland: SchoolsRef 30-7

Elland Sick ClubRef 30-E540
Lucy Hamerton records that, in 1841/1842, Miss Caroline Atkinson and Miss Wigglesworth started a Sick Club which was supported by subscription

Elland Silver BandRef 30-E378
Aka Elland Victoria Band.

In May 1974, they set a world record of 14 hours 11 minutes non-stop playing.

See Elland Junior Silver Band

Elland SocietyRef 30-E541

Elland Steam & Electric Power LaundryRef 30-E495
Recorded in 1905 at Portland Street, Elland. Eccles Brothers were the proprietors [1905]

Elland Steel, HalifaxRef 30-E535
Business established at Gibbet Street / Highroad Well

Elland StocksRef 30-E357
The lockup and stocks originally stood at the Cross, near Elland Parish Church.

One of the last victims of the stocks was John Ogden who was arrested in October 1863.

By the late 1880s the stocks were falling into disrepair until a local Press campaign resulted in them being refurbished.

When the gaol was demolished, the stocks were rescued.

In 1977, the stocks, and an inscription

Whoso keepeth the Law is wise

from Elland Gaol were re-erected in the garden of the Elland Area Council Offices in Elizabeth Street

Elland stoneRef 30-E310
Aka York stone. Another name for the local sandstone – and not just that from Elland.

See Stone quarrying and Stone square method of brewing

Elland Technical Institute & LibraryRef 30-E388
Recorded in 1905 [1905]

Elland Telephone ExchangeRef 30-E679
Built in the 1960s

Elland-tide dayRef 30-E55
Local custom held on the evening of 24th August in which young men raced naked through the town.

Heywood records that

Upon Monday August 4th 1679, was an anniversary feast at Ealand to be called Ealand-tide wherein they make great provisions of flesh and ale, and have their friends come from all parts and eat and drink in a barbarous heathenish manner. At this time, great preparations were made but it pleased God that Monday it fell abundance of rain and was such a flood that no people would come to them, whereupon they kept their flesh till is stunk so that they were glad to cast it into the river or bury it that week for it was good for nothing being over-kept. A gentlemen came to lodge at Lamberts, the great inne, and could not abide in the house for the noysom stink. but removed to another. Oh that people may learn somewhat by this

See Thomas Bradley and William Norris

This & associated entries use material contributed by Les Forester

Elland Town HallRef 30-E71
Southgate. An imposing Palladian building designed by C. F. L. Horsfall.

The foundation stones were laid on 21st June 1887. The building was opened on 19th September 1888 by Sir John Savile.

The construction cost £7,000.

The clock-tower was a part of the original design. The clock was presented by Lewis Mackrell in memory of his father James and was inaugurated on 8th June 1909.

The building was never used as a Town Hall but was intended to be a public hall for the town.

The assembly hall and balcony has accommodation for 1,000 people.

The Palladium Cinema was here.

The building was badly damaged by fire in 1994.

See Elland Area Council Offices, Town Hall Hotel, Elland and Town Hall Square, Elland

Elland TunnelRef 30-E383
Railway tunnel which takes the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Company from North Dean under Elland Wood towards Elland. It opened in 1845

Elland Turkish ClubRef 30-E460

Elland Upper Edge Brass BandRef 30-E758
Recorded on 17th August 1872, when 20 performers – with R. Marsden as leader and J. Brook as conductor – took part in a contest at Stainland Manor House but were unplaced.

In July 1873, they took part in a contest promoted by North Ward Brass Band

Elland Upper Edge Co-operative StoreRef 30-E577
A branch of the Brighouse District Industrial Society Limited opened at Banks End Road, Elland on 3rd November 1883.

The building has been demolished

This & associated entries use material contributed by Malcolm Terry

Elland Urban District CouncilRef 30-E376
The first meeting of the Council was held at South House, Elland in 1895.

In 1937, Elland, Greetland, Stainland, and part of Upper Greetland, amalgamated.

See Metropolitan Borough of Calderdale, James Clarkson, Elland Town Hall, Sidney Thornton and Urban District Council

Elland, Vicars ofRef 30-E380

Elland Victoria Brass BandRef 30-E757
Aka Elland Silver Band.

Recorded on 17th August 1872, when 20 performers – with John Shaw as leader and A. R. Monk as conductor – took part in a contest at Stainland Manor House and came 5th.

In July 1873, they took part in a contest promoted by North Ward Brass Band

Elland Victoria ClubRef 30-E762
Junior rugby union [?] club. Recorded in April 1899

Elland Wanderers Football ClubRef 30-8

Recorded in 1915, when Hall Hepworth was descrbed as a former player with the club

See Elland Free Wanderers and John Robert Spetch

Elland Ward, HalifaxRef 30-E588
One of the Electoral Wards of Halifax

Elland WharfRef 30-E400
The warehouse for the Calder & Hebble Navigation and the attached cottages and porter's lodge were built about 1820, and extended in 1837. These are all listed

Elland Window Cleaning CompanyRef 30-E472
Recorded in 1905 at Savile Arms Yard when the proprietors were William and J. Sutcliffe

Elland-With-Greetland Surveyor of the HighwaysRef 30-5
Those who held the post of Surveyor of the Highways for Elland-cum-Greetland included:

Elland with Greetland WorkhouseRef 30-E109
In 1777, this accommodated 80 inmates.

See Elland-cum-Greetland

Elland WoodRef 30-E387
The woods skirt the hill below Exley and Southowram.

See Elland Tunnel

Elland Working Men's Club & InstituteRef 30-E672
Rosebery Street. Opened on 23rd July 1927.

See Elland Working Men's Club War Memorial

Elland Working Men's Club, Lower EdgeRef 30-E611
Recorded in 1917, when Horace Rangeley was secretary

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Elland Working Men's Club, Roseberry StreetRef 30-E612

See Elland Working Men's Club War Memorial

Elland ZingariRef 30-E405
19th century football team

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