This SideTrack looks at some of the surnames which might be encountered by anyone researching the history of people in Calderdale.
Some of these surnames are more frequently encountered – and may even originate – in the Calderdale area. People with these local surnames are gathered together in separate SideTracks for each such surname.
The information is presented as
A discussion of the details and sources about many of the surnames discussed here can be found in
A |
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
Entries for people with the surname Ackred.
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
Entries for people with the surname Ackroyde.
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
Entries for people with the surname Acrid.
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
Entries for people with the surname Acroyd.
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
Entries for people with the surname Aikerod.
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
Entries for people with the surname Aikeroide.
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
Entries for people with the surname Akerod.
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
Entries for people with the surname Akeroyd.
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
Entries for people with the surname Akred.
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
Entries for people with the surname Akrode.
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
Entries for people with the surname Allinson.
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
Entries for people with the surname Allison.
Entries for people with the surname Anelay.
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
Entries for people with the surname Ashman.
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
Entries for people with the surname Ashton.
The surname originated in the area of Askwith, near Harrogate, North Yorkshire
Entries for people with the surname Askwith.
Entries for people with this and similar surnames are shown in a separate Foldout
Entries for people with the surname Aspden.
Aaron Ref 291-143 Abbot Ref 291-631 Abbott Ref 291-632
Unattached BMDs for AbbottAbel Ref 291-633 Abercrombie Ref 291-634 Ackerley Ref 291-635 Ackred Ref 291-A211 Ackroyd Ref 291-A128 Ackroyde Ref 291-A349 Acland Ref 291-636 Acrid Ref 291-A666 Acroyd Ref 291-A199 Adam Ref 291-637 Adams Ref 291-495
Unattached BMDs for AdamsAddison Ref 291-414 Aikerod Ref 291-A501 Aikeroide Ref 291-A493 Ainley Ref 291-A220 Ainsworth Ref 291-638
Unattached BMDs for AinsworthAirey Ref 291-639
Unattached BMDs for AireyAked Ref 291-A578 Akerod Ref 291-A489 Akeroyd Ref 291-A227
Unattached BMDs for AkeroydAkers Ref 291-640 Akred Ref 291-A271 Akrode Ref 291-A475 Akroyd Ref 291-A126 Aldam Ref 291-641 Alderman Ref 291-642 Alderson Ref 291-53 Alexander Ref 291-4 Allatt Ref 291-643 Allen Ref 291-54 Allenson Ref 291-644 Allinson Ref 291-A552
Unattached BMDs for AllinsonAllison Ref 291-A549 Allister Ref 291-645 Allott Ref 291-646 Almond Ref 291-647
Unattached BMDs for AlmondAmbler Ref 291-A212 Anderson Ref 291-493 Anderton Ref 291-284 Andrew Ref 291-648 Andrews Ref 291-504 Anelay Ref 291-A546 Anker Ref 291-649 Ansell Ref 291-650 Anthony Ref 291-651 Appleby Ref 291-652
Unattached BMDs for ApplebyAppleton Ref 291-653
Unattached BMDs for AppletonAppleyard Ref 291-A405 Archbell Ref 291-654 Archer Ref 291-303
Unattached BMDs for ArcherArmistead Ref 291-655
Unattached BMDs for ArmisteadArmitage Ref 291-A335 Armstrong Ref 291-456
Unattached BMDs for ArmstrongArmytage Ref 291-A542 Arnold Ref 291-656
Unattached BMDs for ArnoldArrandale Ref 291-657 Arrowsmith Ref 291-658 Arthur Ref 291-659 Ashburn Ref 291-660 Asheton Ref 291-661 Ashley Ref 291-662 Ashman Ref 291-A232 Ashmore Ref 291-663 Ashton Ref 291-A229
Unattached BMDs for AshtonAshworth Ref 291-A228 Aske Ref 291-664 Askew Ref 291-665 Askwith Ref 291-2 Asling Ref 291-666 Aspden Ref 291-A577 Aspin Ref 291-667
Unattached BMDs for AspinAspinall Ref 291-A575 Asquith Ref 291-1 Astin Ref 291-A574 Astley Ref 291-668 Astwood Ref 291-669 Atack Ref 291-670 Atherton Ref 291-671