Gregory ...

The entries for people & families with the surname Gregory are gathered together in this SideTrack.

This Page does not include people with other forms of the surname.

There are many people with this surname, and it is possible that there are duplicate entries for an individual. If you discover any such duplicates, please email me and I shall correct them.

Gregory, CharlesRef 545-946
Son of
Richard Reynolds Gregory.

Born in Halifax.

He was a worsted spinner employing 7 piece workers [1871] and is recorded as being sickly.

He and his sisters, Emma and Elizabeth Ann, lived at Walterclough Hall where the ladies ran Walterclough Hall School, Southowram.

He never married.

He was buried at Holy Trinity Church, Halifax [8th June 1889]

This & associated entries use material contributed by Jon Kehrer & Jeffrey Knowles

Gregory, Rev Cyril W.Ref 545-488
Minister at
Shore Baptist Church [1934].

In 1937, he was given the additional charge at Sowerby Bridge Baptist Church.

In 1938, he moved to Hugglescote, Leicestershire

Gregory, DonaldRef 545-589
Son of Edith & Eric Gregory of 14 Ashgrove Place, Siddal.

He was educated at / Siddal Board School / employed by Hellawell Brothers, Halifax Market Hall.

During World War II, he served with 43 R.M. Commando of the Royal Marines

He died 3rd February 1944 (aged 20).

He was buried at Minturno War Cemetery, Italy [Grave Ref V J 25].

He is remembered in the Halifax Town Hall Books of Remembrance

Gregory, Elizabeth AnnRef 545-154
Daughter of
Richard Reynolds Gregory.

She and her sister, Emma, ran Walterclough Hall School, Southowram.

The sisters lived with their brother, Charles, at Walterclough Hall.

After Charles's death [1889], the sisters went to live at Abbott's Ladies' Home.

She never married.

She died at Abbott's Ladies' Home.

She was buried at Holy Trinity Church, Halifax [15th January 1920]

This & associated entries use material contributed by Jon Kehrer & Jeffrey Knowles

Gregory, EmmaRef 545-1075
Daughter of
Richard Reynolds Gregory.

She and her sister, Elizabeth Ann, ran Walterclough Hall School, Southowram.

The sisters lived with their brother, Charles, at Walterclough Hall.

After Charles's death [1889], the sisters went to live at Abbott's Ladies' Home.

She never married.

She died at Abbott's Ladies' Home.

She was buried at Holy Trinity Church, Halifax [4th December 1909]

This & associated entries use material contributed by Jeffrey Knowles

Gregory, Frank WynellRef 545-634
Son of Julia Wadsworth & Lt-Col Edward Denys Wynell Gregory of Devon.

He was educated at Crossley & Porter School.

During World War II, he served as a Sergeant Observer with the 139th Squadron Royal Air Force.

He was reported missing and assumed to have died 12th May 1940 (aged 23).

He was buried at Heverlee War Cemetery, Belgium [Grave Ref 6 F 17-19].

He is remembered on the Memorial at Crossley & Porter School, Halifax

Gregory, Frederick BaileyRef 545-1177
Son of
Samuel Gregory.

Born in Bedfordshire.

He was a worsted spinner [1881] / a music teacher [1901].

In 1896, he married Lillie Woodburn in Oldham.

Lillie was born in Darwen, Lancashire.

She was a cotton reeler [1901]



  1. Eric [b 1898]
  2. Phyllis [b 1902]

The family lived at Lower Fold, Norland [1901].

Around May 1904, Frederick was admitted to Storthes Hall asylum, and his wife and daughter were taken to Halifax Poor Law Hospital.

On the evening of 9th May 1904, Phyllis was restless and Nurse Budd at the Hospital fastened her, and other children, in the same cot, tying them to the cot with bandage. During the night, Phyllis died. A verdict of accidental death was returned at the inquest.

On 15th May 1904, Lillie gave birth to an illegitimate daughter

This & associated entries use material contributed by Michael Smelt

Gregory, George EdwinRef 545-236
Son of William Gregory [b 1864], coal miner, hewer.

Born in Beaufort, Breconshire, Wales [30th August 1900].

He was a coal miner hewer (out-of-work) [1921] / a general manager (leather belts) [1939].

In [Q4] 1930, he married Emily Jane Baskerville [1900-19??] in Halifax.

Emily Jane was born in Bedwelty, Wales [11th July 1900]


  1. Jean [b 30th November 1931] who married George Barnard
  2. Mary [b 12th March 1933] who married Mr Stott

The family lived at 14 Pye Nest Drive, Halifax [1939].

In 1945, he bought Lower Wat Ing, Norland

This & associated entries use material contributed by Pauline Martin

Gregory, JamesRef 545-1081

He married Alice [1731-1797].

Child: William

Alice died 20th August 1797 (aged 66).

James died 25th January 1799 (aged 68).

The couple were buried at Square Independent Chapel, Halifax

Gregory, JamesRef 545-161
He was a greengrocer.

On 6th July 1785, he married Elizabeth Ann Reynolds [1862-1830] at St Pancras Parish Church, London.


  1. Richard Reynolds
  2. James William
  3. Thomas
  4. Robert [b 1795]
  5. Edward [b 1796]
  6. Elizabeth [September 1798-11th April 1799] who was buried  at Square Independent Chapel, Halifax
  7. Harriet [1802-1855]

The children were all baptised at Square Chapel.

James & Elizabeth Ann were buried at Holy Trinity Church, Halifax

This & associated entries use material contributed by Derrick Habergham

Gregory, James WilliamRef 545-670
Son of
James Gregory.

Baptised at Square Chapel.

He was a grocer in Halifax [1841] / a grocer & tea dealer employing 4 men & 2 boys [1851] / partner in Thomas Gregory & Brothers [1856] / a member of Halifax Town Council [1848-1856] / an Alderman [1851] / a partner in the Halifax Commercial Banking Company [1853] / a retired grocer [1861].

He established James Gregory & Sons.

He was one of the subscribers to John Horner's book Buildings in the Town & Parish of Halifax [1835].

On 21 April 1834, he married (1) Isabella Kirk [1795-1841]

Isabella was a widow

They had no children.

He married (2) Anne Trees [1812-1873].

Anne came from Birstwith, Yorkshire

They had no children.

The family lived at

  • 7 Corn Market [1841, 1851]
  • 45 Hampden Place, Halifax [1861]

James William died 25th May 1866.

Probate records show that he left effects valued at under £300 [Resworn under £1,500].

Anne died in Halifax [23rd February 1873].

Probate records show that she left effects valued at under £1,500.

Probate was granted to her sister Sarah Graham

This & associated entries use material contributed by Derrick Habergham

Gregory, RichardRef 545-1065
Son of Edward Gregory, farmer.

He was a grocer of Halifax. In January 1858, he was (possibly) declared bankrupt.

In [Q3] 1855, he married Elizabeth Firth at Halifax Parish Church.

Elizabeth was the daughter of Samuel Firth

Child: Elizabeth Ann [b 1857] who married [1886] William Edward Taylor

In 1861, Elizabeth & her daughter were living with her parents, at 2 Lilly Fold Lane, Halifax.

In 1871, Elizabeth Ann was a boarder with the family of William H. Whitaker at St John's Lane, Halifax.

In 1881, Elizabeth Ann was living with her widowed grandmother Dorothy Firth at 100 Lister Lane, Halifax

This & associated entries use material contributed by Roger Beasley

Gregory, Richard ReynoldsRef 545-947
Son of
James Gregory.

He was a grocer at Halifax / an oil merchant at 6 Corn Market, Halifax [1834] / partner in Richard Reynolds Gregory & Brothers [1837] / a grocer [1841] / a retired grocer [1851] / partner in Thomas Gregory & Brothers [1856].

He was one of the subscribers to John Horner's book Buildings in the Town & Parish of Halifax [1835].

In May 1856, there was a conveyance of

several closes of land in Shelf, called the Pit Field and the Upper Brow, and also several other closes in land in Shelf called Far Brow and Near Brow

between Thomas Gregory and Richard Reynolds Gregory and John Lister of Birkenshaw (woolstapler), John Scott of Birkenshaw (woolstapler), and Henry Scott of Brighouse (cotton spinner) 

On 15th August 1832, he married Sarah Howarth [1799-1864] in Halifax.

Sarah was born in Elland


  1. Elizabeth Ann
  2. Emma
  3. Charles

They lived at

  • Pellon Lane, Halifax [1841]
  • Castle Hill, Rastrick [1851]

Members of the family were buried at Holy Trinity Church, Halifax: Richard [31st March 1857]; Sarah [27th October 1864]; Charles [8th June 1889]; Emma [4th December 1909]; Elizabeth Ann [15th January 1920]

This & associated entries use material contributed by Jeffrey Knowles

Gregory, Robert MillerRef 545-771
Son of Elizabeth & Robert Gregory.

Born in Preston.

In [Q3] 1904, he married Rose Lily Watts in Ashford, Kent.


  1. child
  2. child

They lived at

  • Allan Wood, Sowerby Bridge
  • 87 Rochdale Road, Greetland

He was a soldier with 3 years' regular service, and 7 years in the reserves.

During World War I, he was called-up [August 1914], and he served as a Sapper with the 11th Field Company Royal Engineers.

He died 14th September 1914 (aged 30).

He was buried at Vailly British Cemetery, France [Grave Ref II C 17].

He is remembered in the Halifax Town Hall Books of Remembrance, on the Memorial at Clay House, Greetland, on the Memorial at Saint John the Evangelist, West Vale, on the Memorial at Greetland Liberal Club, and on the Memorial at Christ Church, Sowerby Bridge.

Rose Lily married Mr Hawkins.

They lived at 87 Rochdale Road, Greetland

This & associated entries use material contributed by Derrick Habergham

Gregory, SamuelRef 545-2
Born in Shillington, Bedfordshire.

He was a farm labourer (ag) [1881].

He married Jane [1845-1???].

Jane was born in Adsley, Bedfordshire


  1. John [b 1867] who was a worsted spinner [1881]
  2. Frederick Bailey
  3. Hannah [b 1871] who was a worsted spinner [1881]
  4. Elizabeth [b 1876]
  5. Annie [b 1878]
  6. Rose [b 1881]

They lived at 20 Pickwood Scar, Norland [1881]

Gregory, SandraRef 545-560
[1965-] Sowerby Bridge woman who was arrested at Bangkok airport in 1993 for smuggling temazepam and 89 grams of heroin on a trip from Thailand to Tokyo.

She had gone back-packing in 1987 and stayed on in Thailand to become an English teacher. Shortly before the arrest, she had met another Briton, Robert Lock, a known drug smuggler, and they were paid £1,000 to carry, in her body, a condom-full of drugs to Tokyo. The British Embassy informed the Thai authorities of Lock's movements and he and Gregory were arrested at Bangkok airport.

At the trial, she pleaded guilty, and the possible death penalty was changed to 25-years' imprisonment in Thailand.

She spent 4½ years in the Lard Yao women's prison at Klong Prem high-security prison – the Bangkok Hilton.

In 1996, the sentence was reduced by 3 years to celebrate the golden jubilee of King Bhumipol Adulyadej of Thailand.

In 1997, she came back to serve the rest of the sentence in Britain. She was in prison at Durham and then Rochester.

In July 2000, she was released after King Bhumipol granted a royal pardon and released on 18th June 2001.

She lives in Oxford.

In 2003, she wrote of the incident in a book Forget You Had a Daughter.

In December 2009, she was refused entry when she attempted to return to Thailand

Gregory, ThomasRef 545-646
Halifax grocer and druggist [1805].

On 7th July 1802, he married Miss Lord [17??-1805] from Halifax.

See James Gregory & Sons and Halifax Board of Guardians

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Gregory, ThomasRef 545-148
Son of
James Gregory.

He was partner in Thomas Gregory & Brothers [1856] / clerk to Flour Society [1861] / a shopkeeper in Sowerby Bridge / a bookkeeper [1863].

In May 1856, there was a conveyance of

several closes of land in Shelf, called the Pit Field and the Upper Brow, and also several other closes in land in Shelf called Far Brow and Near Brow

between Thomas Gregory and Richard Reynolds Gregory and John Lister of Birkenshaw (woolstapler), John Scott of Birkenshaw (woolstapler), and Henry Scott of Brighouse (cotton spinner) 

On 14th June 1830, he married (1) Elizabeth Lilley [1802-1852] at St John the Baptist, Wakefield.

Elizabeth was born in Horbury


  1. John Lilley [1831-1885]
  2. Louisa [b 1832]
  3. Sarah Ann [b 1836]
  4. Joseph Lilley [b 1837] who died in Victoria, Australia
  5. James William [1839-1890] who died in Victoria, Australia

On 27th August 1859, he married (2) Frances Hawkins [1806-1885] at Halifax Parish Church.

They lived at

Thomas died in Sowerby Bridge [3rd December 1863].

Probate records show that he left effects valued at under £100

This & associated entries use material contributed by Derrick Habergham

Gregory, WilliamRef 545-1082
Son of
James Gregory.

He married Elizabeth [1772-1840].


  1. Richard who died 6th March 1803 (aged 1 year & 10 days) 
  2. William [1803-30th November 1807]
  3. Robert [1807-4th March 1839]

Elizabeth died 3rd September 1840 (aged 68).

William died 14th September 1845 (aged 73).

Members of the family were buried at Square Independent Chapel, Halifax with William's parents


Gregory surnameRef 545-1
Entries for people with the surname Gregory are discussed in this SideTrack.

Unattached BMDs for Gregory

Marriages 1808, 1907


© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 12:25 / 25th January 2025 / 23998

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