
The river Hebble rises just above Ovenden Moor and flows south down the geological fault which passes from Ogden, through Mixenden, Wheatley, and Halifax to Salterhebble where it joins the Calder at Brooksmouth

The name is derived from the word hebble and is taken from the final stretch – at Salterhebble – and eventually was used for the entire river.

The river has many names as it flows through the district – including

all of which indicate that it is not a major river.

It is recorded that, when Halifax

comprised only the priory and the holy well, built on the banks of a clear and beautiful stream in the bottom of the valley, the stream was replete with trout, grayling and salmon

Much of its course through Halifax is now spent below ground, flowing beneath the mills and factories. It surfaces for a short time to be seen at it passes below North Bridge and then beneath Clark Bridge by Halifax Parish Church.

In the urban areas, the bed of the brook is often paved with setts or flagstones.

In 1882, Halifax Health Committee decided that

in the opinion of this Committee, it is desirable that the bed of the Hebble Brook, between Water Lane Bridge and Albion Mills, be paved, and that the attention of the Board of Works Committee be drawn to the matter. This was approved at the Board of Works Committee on 6th July 1882

See Lower Coal Measures and Westphalian series

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

© Malcolm Bull 2024
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