Bethel Chapel, Brighouse
Blankney Grange, Wyke
Brighouse Town Hall
Central Methodist Church, Brighouse
Christ Church, Barkisland
Christ Church, Pellon
Copley War Memorial
Halifax Parish Church: 21st Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment
Halifax Parish Church Members (WWI)
Halifax Town Hall
Heath Grammar School
Heath Grammar School
Langley Hall, Hipperholme
Longlands, Lightcliffe
Masonic Hall, Hipperholme
Northgate End Chapel, Halifax
Norwood Green War Memorial
Parish Church of Saint James, Brighouse
Parish Church of Saint Mary the Virgin, Luddendenfoot
Parish Church of Saint Stephen the Martyr, Copley
Prince of Wales, Brighouse
Princess Mary High School
Royal Oak, Halifax
The Rydings, Brighouse
Saint Aidan's Mission Church, Bailiff Bridge
Saint Bartholomew's Church, Dean Head
Saint George's Church, Sowerby
Saint James the Great Church, Hebden Bridge
Saint John's Church, Hebden Bridge
Saint John in the Wilderness, Cragg Vale
Saint John's Mission Church, Hebden Bridge
Saint John the Baptist, Coley
Saint John the Divine, Rishworth
Saint John the Evangelist, Bradshaw
Saint John the Evangelist, Clifton
Saint Jude's Church, Savile Park
Saint Mark's Parish Church, Siddal
Saint Mary's Church, Halifax
Saint Mary the Virgin, Illingworth
Saint Mary the Virgin, Illingworth
Saint Mary the Virgin, Luddenden
Saint Matthew's Church, Lightcliffe
Saint Matthew's Church, Northowram
Saint Matthew's Church, Northowram
Saint Paul's Church, Queens Road