This Foldout collects the entries for some of the people and companies who were dealers in wine, spirits, brandy, porter, and liquor
John Ackroyd John Ackroyd & Sons Jeremiah Aked W. H. Atkinson & Company Arthur Barker Herbert Barker Mark Barker Tom Barker John Booth Boothroyd & Ross Thomas Branwell Brear & Brown Limited Abram Naylor Briggs W. Butterworth Joe Edward Carter Joseph Carter Philip Clegg James Cockcroft Crossley & Barker John Crossley & Company John, William & Richard Crowther Mr Dickson John Dugdale William Dyer James Elsworth Davidis Ernst & Company Farrar & Whiteley Samuel Farrar Thomas Richard Farrar Samuel Farrar & Son Firth Brothers Limited John Firth Edward Freeman William Garforth Gibson Dixon Mr Glendinning John Greenwood & Son Nigel Gresley Halifax & District Licensed Victuallers' Wine & Beersellers' Protection & Benevolent Association Halifax Wine & Beer Association Harry Hind George Wilson Hirst Jennings & Briggs George Jennings John Bartholomew Jennings G. & J. B. Jennings William Jepson Welbury Kendall Frederick Mather King Riley Kitson James Lee John Styring Lee Joseph Lee Septimus Lewin Lewis & Hervey
Hodgson Lewis Joseph Lingard John Thomas Lumb John Lupton & Son Limited William McVine Charles & Thomas Milne Charles Milne Thomas Milne Mark Morrell Bethel Bartholomew Naylor John Naylor Joseph Henry Ogden Hanson Ormerod John Ormerod John Hoyle Ormerod Theodore Ormerod Thomas Theodore Ormerod H. & T. T. Ormerod John Ormerod & Sons Richard Crabtree Patchett William Patchett C. Patchett & Company David Pearson Thomas Priestley Joachim von Ribbentrop Joseph Rideal Titus Rideal William Sager Thomas Richard Sanders Scratcherd & Company Thomas Henry Croisdale Scratcherd John Henry Shaw Owen Shaw & Company Skeleton Army Joseph Smith Sowerby Bridge United Clubs Brewery Company Limited Timothy Stansfeld Walter Stewart Thomas Styring John Sutcliffe Joseph Sutcliffe Joseph Sutcliffe & Sons Alexander Grylls Suter James Thomas John William Thomas J. & R. R. Thomas Todmorden & District Licensed Victuallers Wine & Beer Sellers Association J. Townend & Sons Vintner John Holroyd Waterhouse Isaac Webster Samuel Green Webster Samuel Webster & Sons Limited John Brooks Whitehead G. & W. Whiteley
Page Ref: MMW5190