Baitings Reservoir During a Drought [2003]
Some images of Baitings Reservoir taken in November 2003 when the reservoir was low following a dry summer and autumn
- Photo #1:
Baitings Reservoir : During a Drought [2003]
- Photo #2:
The river valley above Baitings Reservoir, Ripponden
- Photo #3:
The river valley above Baitings Reservoir, Ripponden .
- Photo #4:
The old Baitings Bridge over the Ryburn
- Photo #5:
The old Baitings Bridge over the Ryburn
- Photo #6:
The old Baitings Bridge over the Ryburn
- Photo #7:
Baitings Reservoir : During a Drought [2003]
- Photo #8:
The old road is exposed as the water level falls at Baitings Reservoir, Ripponden
- Photo #9:
The river valley above Baitings Reservoir, Ripponden
Baitings Reservoir : During a Drought [2003]
[Taken in November 2003]
The river valley above Baitings Reservoir, Ripponden
[Taken in November 2003]
The river valley above Baitings Reservoir, Ripponden.
The modern bridge over the Ryburn replaces the old Baitings Bridge
carried the Long Causeway over the river
[Taken in November 2003]
The old Baitings Bridge over the Ryburn
is exposed as the water level falls
at Baitings Reservoir, Ripponden.
The bridge carried the Long Causeway over the river
[Taken in November 2003]
The old Baitings Bridge over the Ryburn
is exposed as the water level falls
at Baitings Reservoir, Ripponden.
The bridge carried the Long Causeway over the river
[Taken in November 2003]
The old Baitings Bridge over the Ryburn
- on the right – is exposed as the
water level falls at Baitings Reservoir, Ripponden.
The bridge carried the Long Causeway over the river.
The modern bridge is on the left in the photograph
[Taken in November 2003]
Baitings Reservoir : During a Drought [2003]
[Taken in September 2015]
This image [DWH1.JPG] was kindly submitted by Dominic Walsh
The old road is exposed as the water level falls at Baitings
Reservoir, Ripponden
[Taken in November 2003]
The river valley above Baitings Reservoir, Ripponden
[Taken in November 2003]
Malcolm Bull
Revised 18:26 / 19th December 2022 / 7621
Page Ref: PH1337