Farrar's Classical Academy, Halifax
Some images connected to Farrar's Classical Academy, Halifax
- Photo #1:
A bookplate from a school book given to Joseph Thomas Nowell when he was at Farrar's Classical Academy, Halifax
- Photo #2:
A bookplate from a school book given to Joseph Thomas Nowell when he was at Farrar's Classical Academy, Halifax
A bookplate from a school book given to Joseph Thomas Nowell when
he was at Farrar's Classical Academy, Halifax
[Dated 1881]
This image [HT2.JPG] was kindly submitted by Hayley Taylor
A bookplate from a school book given to Joseph Thomas Nowell when
he was at Farrar's Classical Academy, Halifax
[Dated 1881]
This image [HT3.JPG] was kindly submitted by Hayley Taylor
Malcolm Bull
Revised 15:13 / 15th May 2021 / 3391
Page Ref: PH1481