Salt & Pepper, Halifax
Some images of Salt & Pepper, Halifax
- Photo #1:
The smoking chimneys of Halifax at North Bridge .
- Photo #2:
Salt & Pepper, Halifax
- Photo #3:
Salt & Pepper, Halifax
The smoking chimneys of Halifax at North Bridge.
The Salt & Pepper cooling towers dominate the picture
[Taken in 1946]
This image [GY158.JPG] was kindly submitted by Graham Yarker
Salt & Pepper, Halifax
This image [DG1150.JPG] was kindly submitted by David Greaves
Salt & Pepper, Halifax
This image [GY515.JPG] was kindly submitted by Graham Yarker
Malcolm Bull
Revised 13:13 / 18th May 2021 / 3447
Page Ref: PH1668