Unitarian Church, Todmorden
Some images of Unitarian Church
- Photo #1:
Unitarian Church, Todmorden
- Photo #2:
An illustration of Todmorden Unitarian Church from The Illustrated London News
- Photo #3:
The spire of the Unitarian Church, Todmorden
- Photo #4:
The nave of the Unitarian Church, Todmorden
- Photo #5:
The west door of the Unitarian Church, Todmorden
- Photo #6:
The graves of Samuel and Joshua Fielden at the Unitarian Church, Todmorden
Unitarian Church, Todmorden
This image [DG1458.JPG] was kindly submitted by David Greaves
An illustration of Todmorden Unitarian Church from The
Illustrated London News
[Dated 1869]
This image [DG402.JPG] was kindly submitted by David Greaves
The spire of the Unitarian Church, Todmorden
[Taken in August 2001]
The nave of the Unitarian Church, Todmorden
[Taken in August 2001]
The west door of the Unitarian Church, Todmorden
[Taken in August 2001]
The graves of Samuel and Joshua Fielden at the
Unitarian Church, Todmorden
[Taken in September 2004]
Malcolm Bull
Revised 10:25 / 8th October 2024 / 5253
Page Ref: PH175