Septimus Lewin Memorabilia
Some images connected to Septimus Lewin
- Photo #1:
Gallon, half-gallon and quart flagons produced by Septimus Lewin
- Photo #2:
An advertising postcard produced by Septimus Lewin
- Photo #3:
A half-pint spirit flask embossed Septimus Lewin
Gallon, half-gallon and quart flagons produced by Septimus Lewin
This image [IL79.JPG] was kindly submitted by Ian Lister
An advertising postcard produced by Septimus Lewin
This image [IL9.JPG] was kindly submitted by Ian Lister
A half-pint spirit flask embossed Septimus Lewin
This image [PBL17.JPG] was kindly submitted by Paul Bloomfield
Malcolm Bull
Revised 13:13 / 18th May 2021 / 3667
Page Ref: PH1923