Brookfoot Hill
Some images of Brookfoot Hill
- Photo #1:
One of the many accidents as cars or lorries fail to negotiate the sharp bend at the bottom of Brookfoot Hill
- Photo #2:
House which was formerly the Neptune Inn at the bottom of Brookfoot Hill
- Photo #3:
Brookfoot Hill during reconstruction work
- Photo #4:
Brookfoot Hill during reconstruction work
One of the many accidents as cars or lorries fail to negotiate the
sharp bend at the bottom of Brookfoot Hill
This image [DW267.JPG] was kindly submitted by Darren Webley
House which was formerly the Neptune Inn at the bottom of
Brookfoot Hill
[Taken in January 2002]
Brookfoot Hill during reconstruction work
[Taken in February 2003]
Brookfoot Hill during reconstruction work
[Taken in February 2003]
Malcolm Bull
Revised 11:58 / 31st December 2022 / 4004
Page Ref: PH237