Oxford Lane, Siddal
Some images of Oxford Lane, Siddal in the early 20th century
- Photo #1:
Oxford Lane, Siddal
- Photo #2:
Oxford Lane, Siddal
- Photo #3:
Looking south along Oxford Lane, Siddal towards Backhold . Siddal Methodist Church stands in the middle of the picture
- Photo #4:
Looking north along Oxford Lane, Siddal from the top of Siddal Bottoms with Siddal Methodist Church in the distance and Siddal Strict Baptist Church near the centre of the picture
- Photo #5:
Oxford Lane, Siddal
- Photo #6:
Oxford Lane, Siddal
Oxford Lane, Siddal
This image [DG1935.JPG] was kindly submitted by David Greaves
Oxford Lane, Siddal
This image [GY221.JPG] was kindly submitted by Graham Yarker
Looking south along Oxford Lane, Siddal towards Backhold.
Siddal Methodist Church stands in the middle of the picture
This image [GY5.JPG] was kindly submitted by Graham Yarker
Looking north along Oxford Lane, Siddal from the top of Siddal
Bottoms with Siddal Methodist Church in the distance and Siddal
Strict Baptist Church near the centre of the picture
This image [GY6.JPG] was kindly submitted by Graham Yarker
Oxford Lane, Siddal
[Taken in 1969]
This image [GY351.JPG] was kindly submitted by Graham Yarker
Oxford Lane, Siddal
[Taken in 1961]
This image [GY352.JPG] was kindly submitted by Graham Yarker
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:24 / 31st December 2022 / 5657
Page Ref: PH350