Haigh House, Warley

Arthur Comfort Drawing

A drawing of a doorway at Haigh House, Warley, taken from Arthur Comfort's series In & About Our Old Homes

Haigh House was built in the 7th year of King Charles I, by James Murgatroyd, of Murgatroyd (The Hollins), a man whom we can honour as the greatest builder of 17th century houses in this district. It would be more correct to say that the house was rebuilt in that year, for there are portions of an older building incorporated in this present one, and in the year 1579 Ed. Mawde was the occupier. The present building with its two-storeyed porch, was erected 52 years later, and over the porch are the initials of the builder and his wife I. M. M. i.e. James and Mary Murgatroyd, and the date 1631. Inside the porch are stone seats, where, in those good old times, when hospitality was of the truest kind, the host was wont to welcome the coming and wish God-speed to the parting guest. At the terminals of the string course over the porch chamber window, the letters I. and M. are chiselled in high relief, and the vestibule is formed by inner door, the one at the back being the original oaken door with an ancient bar. Haigh House was built a year earlier than the last house at Murgatroyd, and probably erected as dower house. It is a sturdy old homestead, and its fine mullioned windows look out on a pleasant tract of country. On the marriage of John Dearden to Susannah Oates, granddaughter of James Murgatroyd of The Hollins, in 1711, Haigh House passed to the Dearden family, who held it will the year 1905, when it was sold to the late Mr Donald Sagar, and he in 1913 disposed of it to Mr and Mrs George Greenwood, the present owners and occupiers

This image [JNM10.JPG] is taken from The Halifax Weekly Courier

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