David Hannam Thornton
Some images of David Hannam Thornton & his wife
- Photo #1:
David Hannam Thornton
- Photo #2:
Taken from a report of the marriage published in the Cleckheaton & Spenborough Guardian
- Photo #3:
David & Isabella
- Photo #4:
David & Isabella with daughter-in-law Hilda Croft (left)
David Hannam Thornton
This image [TS1.JPG] is taken from The West Riding of Yorkshire
Taken from a report of the marriage
published in
the Cleckheaton & Spenborough Guardian
David & Isabella
This image [TS8.JPG] was kindly submitted by Tony Stead
David & Isabella with daughter-in-law Hilda
Croft (left)
This image [TS9.JPG] was kindly submitted by Tony Stead
Malcolm Bull
Revised 14:28 / 17th June 2023 / 4145
Page Ref: PH479