Grave of Frederick Robinson

Southowram Wesleyan

The grave of Frederick Robinson at Southowram Wesleyan Graveyard


In memory of
the son of Fredrick & Sarah Robinson, of Southowram, 
who died October 2nd 1874 in the 15th year of his age.
My time was short, my years but few,
like as the grass or morning dew,
mourn not for me my life is Past,
You faithfuly lov'd me to the end.
Also Sarah, 
wife of the above Frederick Robinson,
who died November 26th 1895, aged 62 years.
Farewell my child and husband dear,
death has cut off our union here;
oh, may your lives of peace partake,
and love each other for my sake.
Also the above Frederick  Robinson, 
who died May 7th 1896, aged 65 years.
We cannot tell who next will fall,
beneath thy chastening rod.
one must be first, but let us all,
prepare to meet our God.

© Malcolm Bull 2024
Revised 14:31 / 5th July 2024 / 2974

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