Memorial to Serjeant Jonathan Manks

Southowram Wesleyan

The Memorial to Serjeant Jonathan Manks at Southowram Wesleyan Graveyard


Sacred to the Memory of
Serjeant Jonathan  Manks, 
who was Permanent Serjeant in the Light
Infantry Company of the
late Halifax Volunteers, who was cut
off in the bloom of life by the
falling of a stone November 7th
1806 in the 29th year of
his age. 
This stone was erected as
a tribute of respect by the
Non Commissioned Officers
and Privates of the above
Sharp was the stroke as did appear,
which took my life away.
ah! reader then for heaven prepare,
on earth thou shalt not stay.
Th'o God did please, by death to seize,
and little warning gave,
but yet we trust. He's gone to
Christ; who died his soul to save.

© Malcolm Bull 2024
Revised 23:25 / 21st July 2024 / 2894

Page Ref: PH4842

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