Grave of Henry Barrow

Southowram Wesleyan

The grave of Henry Barrow at Southowram Wesleyan Graveyard


Sacred to the Memory of
the late Elizabeth Evans,
daughter of Henry & Susannah Barrow, 
of Southowram,
who died November 28th 1857, aged 4 years.
Also of Abraham, son of the above, 
who died February 20th 1874, aged 5 weeks.
Also of the above named
Henry  Barrow,
who died January 29th 1886, in the 56th year of his age.
Though lost to sight, to memory ever dear.
"He was good, and his end was peace."
Also Susannah, wife of the above
who died Septemer 13th 1899, in the 70th year of her age.
Her end was peace.

© Malcolm Bull 2024
Revised 23:25 / 21st July 2024 / 2786

Page Ref: PH4857

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