Stansfeld Family Family Crests
Some images of the arms & family crests of some branches of the Stansfeld Family
- Photo #1:
The original coat of arms of the Stansfeld Family.
- Photo #2:
The Stansfelds of Sowerby
- Photo #3:
The arms of Sir James Stamfeild of Newmilnes
- Photo #4:
The arms of Richard Stansfeild of Sheply
The original coat of arms of the Stansfeld Family.
Stansfeld of Stansfeld Hall
This image [JB6.JPG] was kindly submitted by Joanne Backhouse
The Stansfelds of Sowerby
had a lion as their crest,
which they placed over the Stansfeld goats,
as depicted on the pediment at Field House, Sowerby
This image [JB2000.JPG] was kindly submitted by Joanne Backhouse
The arms of Sir James Stamfeild of Newmilnes
This image [JB14.JPG] was kindly submitted by Joanne Backhouse
The arms of Richard Stansfeild of Sheply
This image [JB11.JPG] was kindly submitted by Joanne Backhouse
Malcolm Bull
Revised 18:26 / 19th December 2022 / 4330
Page Ref: PH7164