Field House, Sowerby
Some images of Field House, Sowerby
- Photo #1:
A drawing of Field House, Sowerby by Arthur Comfort
- Photo #2:
Field House, Sowerby
- Photo #3:
Field House, Sowerby
- Photo #4:
The pediment of Field House, Sowerby showing the Stansfeld family Arms
- Photo #5:
The fountain at Field House, Sowerby
- Photo #6:
The lake and boat house at Field House, Sowerby
A drawing of Field House, Sowerby by Arthur Comfort
This image is taken from The Halifax Courier [3rd January 1914]
Field House, Sowerby
This image is taken from History of the Family of Stansfeld of Stansfield
Field House, Sowerby
The pediment of Field House, Sowerby showing the Stansfeld
family Arms
This image [JB21.JPG] was kindly submitted by Joanne Backhouse
The fountain at Field House, Sowerby
The lake and boat house at Field House, Sowerby
Malcolm Bull
Revised 12:24 / 31st December 2022 / 5022
Page Ref: PH928