Percival Nathan Whitley
Some images of Percival Nathan Whitley
- Photo #1:
A Christmas Card to the Troops from Mayor Percival Nathan Whitley and Mayoress Mrs Margaret Phyllis Bowman
- Photo #2:
Percival Nathan Whitley and Mrs Margaret Phyllis Bowman , Mayor and Mayoress of Halifax [1941-1942]
A Christmas Card to the Troops from Mayor Percival Nathan
Whitley and Mayoress Mrs Margaret Phyllis Bowman
This image [DG125.JPG] was kindly submitted by David Greaves
Percival Nathan Whitley and Mrs Margaret Phyllis Bowman, Mayor
and Mayoress of Halifax [1941-1942]
This image [AL196.JPG] was kindly submitted by Alan Longbottom
Malcolm Bull
Revised 15:03 / 12th May 2021 / 3441
Page Ref: PH966