Owners & Occupiers of Old Market, Halifax
The occupants of the properties here have included
- Unknown Address:
- James William Davis
- Kit Dawtrey
- Edward Gledhill [1780]
- John Carr, Linen Draper [1816]
- Thomas Edwards [1816]
- Michael Garlick, Atlas Fire Office [1816]
- Eli Gledhill, Painter [1816]
- Richard Holroyd, Watch & Clock Maker [1816]
- Joseph Mason, Grocer [1816]
- Abraham Mellin [1816]
- Elizabeth Metcalf, Boot & Shoe Maker [1816]
- James Metcalf, Umbrella Manufacturer [1816]
- James Metcalfe [1816]
- Preston & Sugden [1816]
- William Rawnsley, Patten Maker [1816]
- Joseph Suter [1816]
- Joseph Suter, Druggist [1816]
- Jeremiah Taylor, Books & Stationery [1816]
- H. & M. Vicars, Glass & Earthenware Dealers [1816]
- William Weewall, Hosier [1816]
- Hannah Young, Milliner [1816]
- John Farrar [1822]
- Mary Mason & Son [1822]
- Holroyd & Riley, Tailors and Drapers [1822]
- Vicars & Viney [1822]
- William Whewall [1822]
- John Whiteley, Saddlers [1822]
- James Hartley, music & musical instrument sellers [1834]
- Joseph Hartley, licensed dealer in stamps [1834]
- John Turner, Grocer & Tea Dealer [1842]
- Fox Brothers, Clothiers, outfitters, mercers and tailors [1895]
- Joseph Asquith [1903]
- Thomas Denton, dispensing chemist [1905]
- Number 1:
- Number 2:
- Number 3:
- Number 4:
- Joseph Stocks, butter, bacon, cheese, flour dealer [1837]
- Elizabeth Whewall [1837]
- E. Cook, Draper, Children & Ladies Outfitters [1903]
- Charley Dean, optician [1939]
- Number 5:
- William Blagbrough, boot & shoe maker [1834]
- Number 6:
- Number 7:
- Number 8:
- Elizabeth Beetham, Cloths Broker; Confectioner; Fish & Fruit [1837]
- George Davis Jewellers [1880]
- J. Hepworth & Son Limited, Tailor, & Clothier; also Northgate [1903]
- Gibson Dixon [1939]
- Number 9:
- Number 10:
- Number 11:
- Henry Suter, woollen draper [1834]
- John Jackson, Linen Draper [1842]
- Number 12:
- Number 13:
- John Turner [1837]
- J. Holroyd & Company, Dyers & Cleaners [1903]
- Number 14:
- Number 15:
- Number 16:
- Number 17:
- Number 18:
- Number 19:
- Thomas Greenwood, cabinet maker [1837]
- Number 20:
- Henry Kitchen, ironmonger [1837]
- Number 21:
- Number 1866:
Storage of gunpowder and
Old Market Gaol
This & associated entries use material contributed by Anthony Buckless
Malcolm Bull
Revised 16:05 / 13th December 2024 / 10122
Page Ref: QQ_104