Empsall Collection at Bradford Library
Miscellaneous Documents

This page contains material which has not yet been attached to existing entries in the Calderdale Companion

Please email me if you can identify any people, places or events in the unattached material with existing entries in the Calderdale Companion

There may already be entries for some of these individuals; if you spot any, please let me know

The following list comprises extracts from Catalogue Cards of the Pamphlet Collection at Bradford Public Library

Some of these items were part of the Empsall Collection

T. T. Empsall was the 3rd President of the Bradford Historical & Antiquarian Society and left a large collection to the Library

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Please email me if you can identify any people, places or events in the unattached material with existing entries in Malcolm Bull's Calderdale Companion

© Malcolm Bull 2024
Revised 18:27 / 21st September 2024 / 10337

Page Ref: UU_31

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