19th/20th century snippets from the New Zealand papers
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the Calderdale Companion
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* 19th/20th century snippets from the New Zealand papers
This collection of snippets has been submitted by a contributor
in New Zealand and is largely taken from the
National Library of New Zealand – Papers Past website
- Wellington Independent 26 April 1854, Page 3:
On Monday, the 24th instant, at her residence, Porirua Rd, the
beloved wife of Mr William Bell, (late of Halifax, Yorkshire), aged 54
- Daily Southern Cross 10 July 1857, Page 3:
On the 8th instant, Mr William Culpan, late of Halifax, Yorkshire,
aged 70 years.
The funeral will leave his residence, Chapel-street, at 3 o'clock
this afternoon.
Friends are invited to attend
- Taranaki Herald 30 November 1861, Page 2:
DIED On the 26th instant, after a long and painful illness, Mr Thomas
Ibbotson, of Devon street, Draper, aged 42 years, son of the late Mr
T. Ibbotson, of Wade street, Halifax, Yorkshire, England
- Wellington Independent 11 July 1862, Page 4:
On the 26th June, by special license, by the Rev H. W. Scott,
Elizabeth second daughter of Mr John F. Harrison, of Wellington, to
Mr Isaac Bairstow, late of Halifax, Yorkshire
- Daily Southern Cross 6 August 1862, Page 11:
On the 19th ultimo, at St Matthew's church, by the Rev D. Jones, Mr
John Carsley Morrin, to Louisa, only daughter of Mrs Maude, of this
city, late of Halifax, Yorkshire, England
- Daily Southern Cross 29 July 1863, Page 2:
On the 8th instant, at Parnell, by the Rev F Chapman, James Reade,
Esq of Wangarei, to Adelaide, youngest daughter of Mr William Hughes,
of Halifax, Yorkshire
- Otago Daily Times 30 December 1863, Page 4:
On the 15th of October, at St Mary's Catholic Church, Halifax,
Yorkshire, by the Dean of Yorkshire, assisted by the Reverends
J. Kelly, and J. Atkinson.
James Latham, Esq., jun., Oak Hill, Halifax, to Elizabeth, second
daughter of Joseph Pearson, Esq., of Halifax, niece of James Milner,
Esq., of the firm of Milner and Learmonth, of this city, and
grandniece of the late venerable Bishop Milner
- Wellington Independent 20 April 1869, Page 2:
On April 16, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev John
Moir, John Kershaw, late of Halifax, Yorkshire, to Charlotte
Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr Alfred Laurence, builder of this city
- Grey River Argus 24 July 1869, Page 2:
DIED On the 13th July, at his residence, Walker street, Dunedin, Mr
Alfred Peel, compositor, formerly of Halifax, Yorkshire, aged 29 years
- Waikato Times 11 July 1874, Page 2:
On June 29, at the Mission Church, Hopuhopu, by the Rev B.Y. Ashwell,
Alfred, fourth son of Mr E. Browne, Wells, Somersetshire, to Annie,
eldest daughter of Mr J. Weeder, Halifax, Yorkshire
- Timaru Herald 16 October 1877, Page 3:
KILLEY-HALSTEAD. On October 9, at her brother's residence, Pleasant
Point, by the Rev James Preston, Thomas Killey, late of Ramsey, Isle
of Man, to Fanny, only daughter of John Halstead, formerly of
Halifax, Yorkshire, England
- West Coast Times 7 January 1878, Page 2:
Married On New Year's Day by the Registrar at Kumara, Eli Wliiteley,
only son of Samuel Whiteley, Halifax, Yorkshire, England, to Sarah
Grace Lake, eldest daughter of the late John Lake, Stafford Town
- Taranaki Herald 13 March 1880, Page 2:
HARTLEY. On the 12th March, at the Hospital, Henui, Mr John Hartley,
late of Halifax, Yorkshire, aged 51 years
- Poverty Bay Herald 11 May 1880, Page 2:
On May 11lth, at the Gisborne Hospital, John Carter, aged 33 years,
late of Giles' House, Lightcliffe, Yorkshire, England.
Dunedin, Oamaru, and Home papers please copy
- Southland Times 2 May 1882, Page 2:
MINNETT – On 7th March, at Moorlands, Halifax, Yorkshire, Gertrude
Eleanor, second daughter of Captain J. C. V. Mittnett, after a
lingering and painful illness, aged 22 years
- Taranaki Herald 12 October 1883, Page 2:
In the death of Mr Thomas Hirst, which took place shortly after nine
yesterday morning, another gap has been made in the fast lessening
band of old colonists.
The deceased gentleman, who had reached the good old age of nearly
four score, has been ailing for some months past, and gradually sank
from exhausted nature.
Mr Hirst was a native of Halifax, Yorkshire, and emigrated to the
Colony in 1852, arriving at New Plymouth, via Auckland, in July of
that year, where he settled.
He first resided at Bell Block, but afterwards came into town to
live, where he has remained ever since.
In the early days of the settlement he took an active part in public
matters, and has been both a Member of the House of Representatives
and Provincial Council.
Mr Hirst visited England in 1860, and after a short stay returned to
the colony in the barque Gwalior.
He again went Home, and in coming out the vessel was burnt, and he
had to return to England.
Mr Hirst leaves a large family connection to mourn their bereavement
among them being more than one great grand-child
- Taranaki Herald 8 September 1884, Page 2:
Our old settlers are fast passing away from among us, and our
obituary column to-day announce the death of another one of them in
Mr Thomas Gledhill, who died this morning having attained the
patriarchal age of 87 years.
Mr Gledhill was born at Halifax, Yorkshire, and came New Plymouth in
the ship Josephine Willis in 1855.
He was a brother of the late Mr F. U. Gledhill, who was for many
years a member of the House Representatives, and the Provincial
Council, but took no part in public matters himself
- Otago Daily Times 17 October 1884, Page 2:
At his residence, Maybank, North-East Valley, North Dunedin, after a
short illness, Arthur Nicholas, son of the late Nicholas
Dobson, of Stannary Hall, Halifax, Yorkshire; aged 24 years
- Evening Post 5 February 1886, Page 2:
On 4th February, at Leeds-street, Ann Wood, beloved sitter of Thomas
Wood, late of Halifax, Yorkshire, aged 68 years deeply regretted by a
large circle of friends.
Asleep in Jesus.
Home papers please copy
- Auckland Star 14 February 1888, Page 8:
February 7, a the residence of the bride's mother, Devonport, by the
Rev A. M. McCallum, George Ernest, youngest son of John Bailey
Holroyde, Esq., Solicitor, "The Hollins" near Halifax Yorkshire, to
Sarah, third daughter of the late Henry Niccol, Esq., shipbuilder
- Daily Telegraph 5 January 1892, Page 2:
At his daughter's residence (Mrs R. Croxton), Kaikora, A. Taylor,
formerly of Halifax, Yorkshire, England, aged 68 years
- Inangahua Times 26 November 1892, Page 2:
On the 25th November, 1892, at his residence, Buller Road, Samuel
Naylor, native of Halifax, Yorkshire, England aged 55 years
- Auckland Star 30 November 1893, Page 8:
On November 9 at the residence of the bride's parents, Eden Terrace,
by the Rev E. O. Perry.
William Henry, eldest eon of Mr H. W. Cunningham, Rocky Nook, late of
Yorkshire, to Alice, youngest daughter of Mr Edmund Taylor, Auckland
- Evening Post 5 April 1895, Page 2:
DEATH Storey – On Wednesday, 3rd April, at his late residence,
Broad-street, Palmerston North, after a long and patient illness,
Lewis, the eldest son of the late George and Margaret Storey, of
Halifax, Yorkshire, England: aged 70 years
- Evening Post 11 September 1897, Page 6:
On 10th September, at Rintoul-street, Wellington, N.Z., after a long
and severe illness, Hannah Williamson (Annie), second and last
surviving daughter of Alderman Battinson, of Halifax, Yorkshire,
beloved wife of J. H. Pedder, in her 66th year.
Friends will please accept this the only intimation
- Evening Post 17 June 1898, Page 6:
News has been received of the death at Halifax, Yorkshire, of Mr
George Ratcliffe, who in the early sixties was a prominent
figure on the Otago goldfields, and who lived in Wellington till a
couple of years ago with his daughter, Mrs J. Grattan Grey, wife of
the Chief of the Hansard staff.
Mr Ratcliffe belonged to an old Yorkshire family, his father and
brother having carried on business as woollen and damask
manufacturers at Boxtrees Mills, at Ovenden, near Halifax, under the
style of James Ratcliffe & Son.
He came out to the Victorian diggings in 1852, and then on to the
Dunstan rush in Otago, and eventually settled in Alexandra as a
builder and contractor.
For a long period he was a Councillor and subsequently Town Clerk of
Alexandra, and was identified with almost every institution in the
borough and district.
Mr Ratcliffe was a noted cricketer in his time.
He played in one team against the first All England Eleven which
visited Victoria, and was the highest scorer on that occasion, a
prize bat being presented to him on the stage by the then celebrated
actor Sir William Don.
Two years ago he went to England to see his surviving relatives, and
there an attack of apoplexy carried him off.
- Auckland Star 9 April 1900, Page 8:
On March 21, at the Union Free Church, Auckland, by the Rev Pastor
W. L. Salter, John Thomas Alexander, eldest son of John Giles, of
Auckland, to Edith Annie, eldest daughter of Oliver Aspinall, late of
Halifax, Yorkshire, Eng.
Christchurch papers please copy
- Grey River Argus 5 September 1895, Page 2:
At the Grey River Hospital, on September 4, Charles Clegg, native of
Halifax, Yorkshire, and late of No Town, aged 76
- Northern Advocate 3 February 1900, Page 3:
On Anniversary Day about 2 p.m. one of the oldest Whangarei settlers
passed away, in the person of Mr James North, who died at the
residence of his youngest daughter (Mrs Cambie).
Deceased was a native of Halifax, Yorkshire, England, and came to the
colony in the year 1858 with the late Mr Walton of Maungatapere, with
whom he remained for about two years, after which he built the first
"Pioneer" boarding house in Whangarei on the site of the present one.
He afterwards purchased the Look-out Hill property and then took up
his residence at Hora Hora where he resided until the death of his
wife some few years ago.
He leaves four sons and four daughters, viz., Mrs Rawnsley, Mrs
Cossill, Mrs Smith, Mrs Cambie, Messrs William, James, George, and
Arthur North.
His second son, Mr Fred. North, died about six months ago.
Mr North was interred in the old Mission ground, the funeral being
very largely attended
- Auckland Star 12 April 1900, Page 8:
GILES-ASPINALL. On March 21, at the Union Free Church, Auckland, by
the Rev Pastor W. L. Salter, John Thomas Alexander, eldest son of
John Giles, of Auckland, to Edith Annie, eldest daughter of Oliver
Aspinall, late of Halifax, Yorkshire, Eng.
Christchurch papers please copy
- Bay Of Plenty Times 20 April 1900, Page 2:
Yesterday morning very general regret was felt when the news spread
around that Mr W. W. Smith, of this town had expired the previous
evening after a comparatively brief illness.
Mr Smith was a native of Halifax, Yorkshire, where his father was in
business and after assisting therein for some time, he obtained
employment in the firm of Adder, Preyer and Co., yarn and worsted
merchants, Bradford, with whom he worked for many years, holding the
post of foreman packer.
While there he married and reared a family of 4 sons and two
About 1878 considerable changes took place in the firm and Mr Smith
shortly after left and decided to throw in his lot with the Te Puke
special settlers, then being got together by Mr G. V. Stewart.
On arrival here in the Lady Jocelyn in 1880, with his family, he
settled for a short time on his farm at Te Puke but finding his son,
Mr Shepherd Smith, watchmaker, etc., had determined to open a
business in town, he accepted an offer for the purchase of the land
and built himself the premises in Spring Street in which he and his
family have resided ever since ... while his death falls as a heavy
blow on his widow and family by whom he was regarded with the
greatest affection.
Three of his children, Mrs J. Wrigley, Mrs Blythe and Mr Shepherd
Smith reside in this neighbourhood, while two other sons, William and
Frank are at Waihi; the other, Thomas, served his apprenticeship to
the printing trade in this office and is now on the staff of the
Sydney Bulletin
- Evening Post 24 November 1902, Page 4:
After a residence in Wellington of over sixty years, Mr William
Mitchell died on Saturday, 82 years of age.
He was born in Halifax, Yorkshire, and in 1841 arrived in Port
Nicholson with his parents in the ship Gertrude.
During the Maori War the deceased who then lived on the Porirua-road
served in the Militia, and later in the Armed Constabulary, in which
he had some stirring experiences.
He left the force in 1850, and married Miss Catherine Suter.
Mr Mitchell built the Royal Tiger Hotel, and conducted it for many
During his long residence he made a wide circle of friends
- Poverty Bay Herald 13 October 1903, Page 2:
On the 12th October, at the residence of John W. Mackrell, Gisborne,
Mary Ann, eldest daughter of the late J. Craven, of Halifax,
Yorkshire, England, and sister of Mrs J. W. Mackrell, Gisborne, aged
(Private interment)
- Evening Post 17 February 1904, Page 5:
Mr Frank Meadowcroft, the new Chairman of the Congregational Union,
chosen this morning, is a native of Halifax, Yorkshire, and the son
of the Rev David Meadowcroft, of the East Melbourne Congregational
Prior to coming to Wellington Mr Meadowcroft was on the Victorian
staff of Messrs Cadbury Bros., of cocoa fame, and in 1890 was sent
over to Wellington to take charge of the firm's New Zealand business.
Mr Meadowcroft for several years lilted the office of Registrar of
the Union over which he is to preside, and has for years been the
Superintendent of the Terrace Sunday-school, He thanked the Council
for the honour conferred this morning, and said he accepted the
Chairmanship with much diffidence.
- Colonist 28 May 1910, Page 2:
MR JOHN GAUKRODGER a highly respected resident of the Waimeas, passed
away at his residence, Foxhill, yesterday.
Born at Halifax, Yorkshire, England, in 1835, the late Mr Gaukrodger
came to New Zealand in the ship Indus in 1843.
In 1844 he went to Foxhill, and remained there until 1858, when he
left for Australia.
He was the champion shearer of Australasia, and put up the record of
222 sheep in eight hours at Callan Doon station, on the borders of
New South Wales and Queensland.
On his return to New Zealand he spent twelve years in different
parts, chiefly Canterbury, and finally settled at Foxhill, where he
kept the well known hostelry, the Foxhill Inn for 30 years.
He left the hotel some years ago, and lived in retirement at Foxhill
until his death.
He was a widower, his wife having predeceased him many years ago, and
seven sons, six of whom live in Australia.
The funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon at one o'clock
- Colonist 16 February 1911, Page 2:
Mrs E. Eliza Crowther, relict of the late Mr Samuel Crowther, and an
old settler in Wellington, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs
W. Liddell, on Sunday.
The deceased, who was 88 years of age, was born at Halifax, Yorkshire
and arrived in New Zealand by the ship Burnham in March, 1842.
She left seven sons and five daughters, sixty-six grand children and
fifty-three great grand children
- Wanganui Chronicle 15 September 1911, Page 4:
Death WALTON, John, native of Halifax, Yorkshire, England, and
beloved father of the Nurses Walton; on 14th September, 1911, at his
residence, 1 4l Campbell Street, Wanganui, aged 68 years.
Interment private.
Wellington papers please copy.
Purser & Son, Undertakers
- Wanganui Chronicle 17 June 1913, Page 4:
June 16.
About forty years ago, two young men named Butterworth came to
Auckland from England.
Both were brothers and had been brought up in the Hayward Orphanage
in Northowram, near Halifax Yorkshire, and when they came to Auckland
province they settle in Northern Wairoa and prospered.
The elder of the two, Isaac Butterworth, gave up his farm some 15
years ago.
He passed away on Monday of last Week, aged 80 years.
Deceased, who outlived his brother by about a year has left
£2000 to the Hayward Chapel in Northowram, and another
£1,000 to the Orphanage in the same town
- Hawera & Normanby Star 16 July 1913, Page 7:
Mr G. D. Hamerton, who died at Patea on Sunday, aged 70 years, was
the son of Mr Holden Hamerton, solicitor.
He was born in Halifax, Yorkshire, in 1843, and arrived in the
Dominion in the ship Cashmere some 14 years later (says the Patea
Mr Hamerton entered the office of Mr Arthur Standish, of New
Plymouth, where he practised his profession for some years finally
taking up his residence in Patea some 32 years ago, where he has
resided ever'since.
In the very early days Mr Hamerton took part in the operations
against the natives, being at first bugler in No.
2 Company, Taranaki Rifles, and afterwards second lieutenant in No- 7
Company, Taranaki Militia.
Besides being solicitor to the Borough Council and various other
local bodies in the district, the deceased took a very lively
interest in public affairs.
He married in 1873 Miss M. M. Gledhill, daughter of the late Mr
Francis Gledhill, of New Plymouth, who represented Taranaki in the
first General Assembly held in Auckland.
Besides Mrs Hamerton, the deceased leaves behind him a family of four
sons, Messrs Frank.
Lawrence and Reginald Hamerton, of Tututawa, and Eustace Hamerton
(Patea), and three daughters.
Misses E. and M. Hamerton (Patea), and Mrs Graham, of Mangaweka
- Marlborough Express 14 May 1917, Page 5:
Mrs Devenish, one of the oldest residents of New Plymouth, died there
on the 8th instant, aged 87 years.
The deceased was the eldest daughter of the late Thomas Hirst, of New
Plymouth, and formerly of Halifax, Yorkshire.
Mrs Devenish who became a widow comparatively early in life, leaves
two daughters and two sons, namely, Mrs W.H. Skinner (formerly of
Blenheim, and now of Christchurch), Miss Devenish, who has always
lived with her mother, the Rev J.M. Devenish, of Tasmania, and Mr
William Devenish, Collector of Customs
- Marlborough Express 3 December 1917, Page 4:
MRS G. HOULDSWORTH One of the pioneer settlers of Marlborough, in the
person of Elizabeth, wife of Mr George Houldsworth, of Hawkshaw
Street, passed away on Friday evening last, after a long illness.
The deceased lady was born in Halifax, Yorkshire, in 1839, and was
therefore 78 years old at the time of her death.
She was employed when a girl at the Halifax carpet-weaving factory of
Crossley & Sons.
Mr Houldsworth was also employed at the factory.
In 1860 they were married, and in the following year the emigration
fever caught them and they took passage for far away New Zealand in
the sailing ship Sir George Pollock, arriving at Nelson on September
1st, 1861.
After spending six months at Fox Hill, Mr and Mrs Houldsworth came
over to the Wairau, where Mr Houldsworth was engaged as shepherd on
Captain Fearon's Marathon Run, in the neighbourhood of what is now
Twelve months later a change was made to Mr Thomas Redwood's Vernon
Mr and Mrs Houldsworth remaining there for about ten years.
Mr Houldsworth then acquired a farm in Redwoodtown, in the situation
in which he is now living.
The deceased lady had a family of seven boys and four girls, the
surviving children being: Herbert (Blenheim, late of Motueka),
Walter, Frederick, and Richard (Wellington), and Mrs P. Maher (Opawa
Street, Blenheim) and Mrs J. G. Patchett (Blenheim)
- Evening Post 22 December 1917, Page 1:
PUDSEY-COOKSON. On the 30th October, 1917, at the Halifax (Yorkshire)
Registry Office, by special license, Drummer Horatio Pudsey, son of
Mr and Mrs Henry Pudsey of Lower Hutt, N.Z., to Mary Ann, only
daughter of Thomas Cookson, of Goghill, Elland, Halifax
- Evening Post 6 February 1937, Page 16:
Mr and Mrs F. Williams, of Hastings, on the occasion of the sixtieth
anniversary of their wedding which took place on Sunday.
Mr and Mrs F. Williams were married in 1877 at Waipawa by the Rev
Joseph Whyte.
They resided at Te Aute, Hawke's Bay, until 1888, when they left for
the 40-mile bush country.
They spent 35 years farming in the Pahiatua district, leaving there
in 1923 to settle at Hastings.
Mr Williams, who is 84 years of age, was born in 1853 at Freeman's
Bay, Auckland, his parents taking him to reside in Napier in 1860.
He has vivid memories of Napier's early history, including the
earthquake in 1863.
Mrs Williams is a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs A. Firth.
She was born in Halifax, Yorkshire, England, in 1858, and with her
parents sailed for New Zealand in the ship Parsee.
They landed at Auckland in 1872, after a long and dangerous voyage.
Mr and Mrs Williams's diamond wedding was celebrated at their home in
804 Willowpark Road, when their family gave a dinner in their honour.
Nine out of their ten children were present, some of them having
travelled long distances to do honour to their parents.
A wedding cake made by Mrs L. T. Williams, of Levin.
The eldest son proposed the health of the "bride and bridegroom" to
which his father replied.
Mr and Mrs F. Williams have 44 grandchildren, the eldest being Mr
E. G. Webb, of the Wellington firm of Kent and Webb, barristers and
- Auckland Star 18 April 1895, Page 4:
On April 12 at the residence of the Rev R. Sommerville, Sussex
street, Ponsonby, M. H. Havord, of Auckland, to Hannah Wrigley, only
daughter of the late Abraham Wrigley, of Todmorden, England
- Evening Post 19 October 1908, Page 7:
The death has occurred in Dublin of Mr J. P. Gough, brother of Mr
P. W. Gough, of Wellington.
The late Mr Gough was managing director of the firm of Wilson
Brothers, sawmillers and bobbin manufacturers, of Todmorden,
The late Mr Gough was a most fervent Irish patriot, and while he was
a kindly friend he was also a forgiving opponent
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Malcolm Bull's Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
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