Leeds Mercury
Sale by Auction

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Edition : Saturday, 7th May 1808

Halifax to be Sold by Auction – By Mr John Wilson

At the House of Mr Jenkinson, The White Lion Inn, in Halifax, in the County of York, on Thursday the 12th day of May 1808 at Six o'clock in the Evening, subject to Conditions, in the following or such other Lots as may be then agreed on, unless disposed of by Private Contract, of which timely notice will be given

Lot 1

All that newly or lately erected Capital Messuage, Farm House or Tenement, with the Cottages, Barn, Stable, and other convenient Outbuildings, and Garden thereto adjoining, with the Appurtenances, situate standing and being in Lightcliffe, in the Parish of Halifax, and also with Four Closes of excellent Land thereto adjoining, containing by Estimate Twenty Days Work, or thereabouts, and now in the occupation of Mr William Armitage, as Tenant from Year to Year

N. B. There is a Rent Charge of 20s a Year payable out of this Lot to the Governors of the Free Grammar School at Heath near Halifax

Lot 2

All those Two Closes of excellent Land situate lying and being on the South Side of Bramley Lane End in Lightcliffe, aforesaid, containing together by Estimation Sixteen Days Work or thereabouts, now in the Occupation of Thomas Pearson

Lot 3

All those Two other Closes of excellent Land, situate, lying and being at Lightcliffe, aforesaid, called or known by the Names of the Sykewell Fields, containing together by Estimation Eight Days Work or thereabouts, now in the occupation of Rufus Sunderland

Lot 4

All that One other Close of Excellent Land, situate, lying and being in Lightcliffe aforesaid, called or known by the Name of the North Field, containing by Estimation Four Days Work more or less, now in the occupation of Mr Charles Dearden or his Undertenants

The Three last Lots are under lease to the respective Tenants thereof for Terms, of which about Sixteen Years are unexpired at advanced Rents

Lot 5

All that truly Valuable Mine of Bed of Coal now remaining ungot, lying and being in and under the Whole of the above Premises, subject to a Lease thereof to William Stocks, for a short Term of Years

For Particulars apply to Robert Alexander, Esq King Cross Lane, Halifax, or at Mr Alexander's Office in Halifax aforesaid

This & associated entries use material contributed by Alan Longbottom

Please email me if you can identify any people, places or events in the unattached material with existing entries in Malcolm Bull's Calderdale Companion

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Revised 17:43 / 3rd May 2024 / 4972

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