Burials in Grave 1907 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 1907
in Lister Lane Cemetery
- John Thomas Boocock who died 12th November 1874 (aged 6 months), son of M. A. & Josh Boocock [mason]
- Alfred Burrows who died 25th January 1875 (aged 1 day), son of L. & William Burrows [labourer]
- William Cain who died 25th December 1874 (aged 2 years & 7 months), son of Margaret & John Cain [labourer]
- Walter Clay who died 7th December 1874 (aged 3 years), son of Sarah & Thomas Clay [boiler maker]
- Eliza Cleary who died 10th April 1875 (aged 7 months), daughter of Margaret & Michael Cleary [labourer]
- Eliza Ann Cripp who died 10th January 1875 (aged 14 weeks), daughter of Mary & George Cripp [blacksmith]
- Mary Jane Dalton who died 8th November 1874 (aged 5 months), daughter of E. A. & Amos Dalton [labourer]
- Charles Henry Elliott who died 10th February 1875 (aged 3 months), son of Lydia & Henry Elliott [inn keeper]
- Mary Elizabeth Goddard who died 30th December 1874 (aged 1 day), daughter of M. A. & Henry Goddard [cart driver]
- Thomas Hudson who died 15th December 1874 (aged 2 months), son of Eda & Smith Hudson [labourer]
- Mary Pardoe who died 1st April 1875 (aged 10 days), daughter of Margaret & George Pardoe [plumber]
- Jane Rhodes who died 17th December 1874 (aged 1 month), daughter of Fanny & Amos Rhodes [grocer]
- Sarah Ann Riley who died 22nd November 1874 (aged 2 years), daughter of M. J. & Craven Riley [blacksmith]
- Ernest Robinson who died 25th November 1874 (aged 1 month), son of M. A. & Sal Robinson [mason]
- M. A. Rothera who died 5th January 1875 (and only breathed) daughter of Mary & Thomas William Rothera [mechanic]
- Thomas Shillito who died 22nd December 1874 (aged 5 days), son of Frances & Jim Shillito [wire drawer]
- John Shuttleworth who died 25th January 1875 (aged 11 months), son of Sarah & James Shuttleworth [dyer]
- Elizabeth Spence who died 23rd January 1875 (aged 2 years), daughter of M. E. & George Spence [timber dealer]
- Mary Jane Taylor who died 27th January 1875 (aged 5 years & 11 months)
- Samuel Ward who died 27th February 1875 (aged 1 month), son of Susan & John Ward [cart driver]
- Emily West who died 4th November 1874 (aged 4 years & 6 months), daughter of Matilda & Josh West [labourer]
- Albert Edward Wilson who died 25th December 1874 (aged 2 months), son of M. A. & George Wilson [dyer]
- Annie Wilson who died 26th February 1875 (aged 6 months), daughter of Hannah & George Wilson [hawker]
- Lucy Woodhead who died 13th November 1874 (aged 7 months), daughter of M. A. & Henry Woodhead [mason]
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 13:27 / 29th September 2023 / 6602
Page Ref: X1907X