Rope Industry
Rope is produced from hemp and sisal, and the
manufacture of rope and twine in the West Riding increased as the
linen industry declined from around 1850.
This Foldout collects
entries which relate to the industry and those involved in it:
Beeton Rope Works, Stansfield
Thomas Blackburn
John Briggs & Sons
George Nathan Brown
John Clegg
Jonas Clegg
Samuel Fielden Clegg
Martha, Sarah & John Clegg
John Crapper
The Dundee Rope Company
Fairlea Mills, Luddendenfoot
Benjamin Farrar
James Flather
Joseph Frobisher
William Frobisher
Gill & Salmon
James Greenwood & Son
William Haigh
Hawkins & Tipson Group
Hemp industry
Linen industry
Lob Mill Rope Works, Langfield
Market Hall Rope Works, Halifax
Mill band
Albert Ogden
Pickles & Company
Stephen Rawson
George Robertshaw
Rope race
Rope, Twine & Net Making
Rope walk
Rope Walk, Wainstalls
Sandholme Rope Works, Todmorden
Sandhome Rope Walk, Todmorden
Thomas Henry Scott
Abraham Sharp
Abraham Sharpe
Square Mill, Wainstalls
R. Sutcliffe
Yorkshire Tail
Malcolm Bull
Revised 02:53 / 22nd February 2023 / 4927
Page Ref: X232