Documents relating to Edward Broadley

The following documents mention Edward Broadley and members of his family

To the Right Honorable Sir Thomas Egerton Knight Lord Keper of the great seal of England ?? xxj January 1599.

In humble wise compleyninge sheweth unto your good Lordshipp your daylie orator Edward Brodley of Hallyfax in her Majesties's countye of York that whereas your said orator in or about the moneth of August in the five and thirtith yeare of her Majestie's reigne at the earnest request of one Mathewe Brodley and as his suertye became bounde together with the said Mathewe Brodley unto one Ann Brodley sister to the said Mathewe by two bills obligatory for the payement by eyther of the said bills unto the said Ann of the some of fortie pounds of lawfull englishe money at certayne dayes all ready paste synce and neare about which tyme the said Mathewe Brodley tooke some order and staye with the said Ann touchinge the said somes soe as your orator thought he beinge but suertye should not be charged therewith yet notwithstanding soe yt is if yt maye please your good honor that albeit your orator is but suertye as aforesaid and never had any peny of the money for the which he became bounde as afforesaid but the said somes as were whoallie enjoyed by the said Mathewe yet the said Anne Bradley and Mathewe Bradley upon some displeasure against your orator uniustlie conceved have by combynation and practise betweene them secretly gone about to charge your orator with the payment thereof and to that end she the said Anne hathe persued (?persuaded)  the said Mathewe Brodley to absent himself forth of the countrie or otherwise to remaine in secret places where he will not be founde and that done she hath by the practise of the said Mathewe now of late comenced one or more severall su[i]ts upon the said bills against your said orator for the demands of the said two severall somes of fortie poundes in some of her Majesties courts of record at Westminster and doth prosecute the same with effect nearring noe lesse but to have and recover the same against your orator notwithstanding your orator is but suertye and notwithstanding the said Anne would longe synce have discharged youre orator of the said bills if he would have given her twenty pounds the which he was unwilling to paye the reyther (?rather) that is he thought there was and is some order taken by the said Mathewe which the said Anne eyther for satisfacon or forbearance of the same upon some ?confidence betwixt them two whereunto your said orator ys not nor can by any way privy or acquaynted unlesse they maye be brought to answer the same upon theire othes in tender consideration whereof the premisses considered and forasmuch as your orator is not pryvie what order or satisfaction is taken by the said Mathewe whome this matter doth principally concerne (the same beinge secretly done as afforesaid) and for that the said Mathewe ys thereby the practise afforesaid fleed forth of the countrie or lourketh in secret places where he cannot be found to wytnesse the same neyther if your orator could prove the same hath he relesse ??thereby but onely in equitie in this honorable court by reason he hath noe wrytings to shewe for the same by reason theireof your orator is likely to be condempned to paye the same unto the said Anne the whiche she and the said Mathewe entend to share betweene them if the said Anne recover the same and for that your orator ys but suertye for the said Mathewe and in equitie ought to be discharged by him and to have his said bills delivered to be cancelled and mayde voyde or else to be kept harmlesse thereof and yet cannot be received thereon but in equitie nothing doubting but that if the said Anne and Mathewe may be compelled to appeare and addresse the premisses in the honorable court upon theire oaths there will confesse the truth touchinge the premisses (interlining hard to read ?what ?? some which may be a ?? for your orator) it may therefore please your honor to grant unto your said orator her majesties most gracious process of subpena to be deirected to the said Anne Brodley and Mathewe Brodley comanding them and eyther of them at a certayne daye and under a certayne payne therein by your lordshipp to be lymitted to be and personally appeare before your honor in her Majesties heigh court of chancery their and thereto adresse the premisses and upon their appearance to take of such ??d and order herein as to your good honor shalbe thought meete and convenyent and your said orator shall according to his bounden dutie praye to god for your lordshipp in health and happy state longe to live


Edward Broadley made a will [2nd April 1602].

He leaves £10 to the free school.

Beloved wife (unnamed) to have her thirds.

To each of wife's brethren £6 13s 4d and to her sister the same on condition that they do not interfere with any of the provisions in the will. None of these people is named.

To each of his brother Michael's children five pounds when they reach 21.

His wife and daughters are to live with Michael, and Michael is to be rent free.

To his sister wife of George Stockes £6 13s 4d. To George Stockes the younger £3 6s 8d.

To Ezechiel Edgar student at Cambridge 40s and to his brethren Nathaniel and Thomas each 40s.

To his sister Ann £6 13s 4d

To Grace Parkinson his apprentice £3 6s 8d when she has completed her apprenticeship

He is bound to the city of York for the filial portion of George Ramsden in the sum of £8 and desires his executors to pay this when George is 21.

His poor servant Alice Mawde to be given sufficient meat, drink, raiment etc for the rest of her life.

His two daughter Anne and Jennet to be executors but must follow the advice of the overseers and particularly that of John Favour, Vicar of Halifax.

Overseers John Favour, John Cowper of the Dean House, Isaake Waterhouse of Skircote, Henry Hemingway of Northowram, each to have £3 13s 4d. Extra allowance for John Favour for his education of his daughter.

Witnesses: John Favour, John Smith, Michael Broadley, Nathaniel Edgar and George Stockes


This & associated entries use material contributed by Marie Ball

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