Stoney Royd Cemetery
Burials by Name
This list shows the names of some of the people who were buried
and/or remembered
at Stoney Royd Cemetery.
email me
if you can add further names, or link any of these people to their entries, or add more
details to their entries in
Malcolm Bull's Calderdale Companion
Henry Aaron [1836-1894]
John Ainley [1837-1908]
John Aked [1821-1897]
Edmondson Akroyd [1801-1883]
Priestley Alderson [1855-1909]
Dr Reginald Gervase Alexander [1847-1916]
Robert Allen [1855-1894]
Thomas William Allen [1834-1895]
John Ashton [1830-1893]
Harriet Ashworth [1840-1895]
Joseph Asquith [1841-1913]
Arnold Atkin [1890-1918]
Arthur Atkins [18??-19??]
Henry Cooper Atkinson [1825-1889]
Marianne Atkinson [1846-1912]
Samuel Atkinson [1817-1903]
William Henry Bairstow [1837-1892]
Alfred Bancroft [1818-1898]
Herbert Bancroft [18??-1917]
Albert Bate [1893-1918]
Thomas Batty [1923-1940]
William Henry Beal [1848-1930]
Thomas Ingham Bellwood [1895-1917]
Michael Bergin [1862-1900]
John Evan Birch [1909-1946]
Lewis Blackburn [1913-1943]
Nathaniel Booth [1836-1866]
Lewis John Bradley [1887-1918]
Jane Bradley [1866-1892]
Sidney Herbert Bray [1883-1918]
John William Brennan [1875-1916]
Elijah Brewster [1880-1916]
Francis Gerald Broadbent [1916-1943]
Willie George Brookes [1850-1876]
Henry Brown [1868-1918]
Robert James Burgess [1864-1920]
Child of John Burgin [18??-19??]
Patrick Burns [1872-1917]
Rev George Trotter Carr [1843-1912]
Eric William Cave [1900-1942]
Charles Child [1806-1862]
William Hall Child [1844-1869]
James Coates [1811-1869]
Lewis Collinge [1921-1947]
Bernard Conroy [1919-1942]
Joseph Cordingley [1815-1876]
William Cross [18??-1917]
Clement Crossley [1914-1943]
George Howard Crowther [1881-1918]
Joseph Bromley Dale [1900-1942]
Annie Dawson Wade Street / Mulcture Hall Road.
Dennis Denville [1922-1942]
Silvio Detomati [1872-19??]
Michael Devers [1881-1916]
Sam Duckitt [1893-1920]
Patrick Dunleavy [1871-1920]
William Henry Earnshaw [1880-1915]
Henry Edmunds [1823-1904]
Herbert James Elliott [1895-1918]
Jabez Bunting Farrar
John Frederick Farrar [1885-1918]
James Feeley [1898-1919]
Frederick Fielden [1879-1918]
Lord Fielden [1852-1907]
Bridget Flaherty [1856-1903]
James Patrick Fletcher [1869-1935]
John Fletcher [1822-1863]
Thomas Fletcher [1897-1916]
Ronald Foster [1920-1942]
Stanley Edward Samuel Gardner [1920-1941]
Sam William Gaukroger [1884-1917]
James William Gladwin [1893-1916]
Oswald Gledhill [1878-1916]
Leslie Graham [1908-1944]
James Greenwood [1920-1941]
Jesse Greenwood [1811-1868]
Tom Greenwood [1892-1919]
Ernest Gregson [1888-1919]
Robert Craven Haley [1884-1917]
Joseph Hardy [1822-1873]
John Henry Hartley [1912-1941]
Samuel Hartley [1852-1914]
Hilton Heslop [1898-1917]
Willie Highley
John Bailey Holroyde [1828-1894]
Frank Exley Hull [1880-1918]
James Jackson [1886-1920]
Albert Jenkinson [1895-1916]
Elizabeth Jowett Wade Street / Mulcture Hall Road.
William John Kay [1839-1894]
Patrick Kearney [1849-1897]
William Keating [1819-1900]
John Keighley [1851-1898]
John Kelcher [1847-1911]
Elizabeth [1830-1908] & Amos Kershaw [1830-1899]
Jake Kyte [1905-1940]
William Arthur Lamb [1873-1918]
Samuel Law [1824-1896]
Lyttleton Lawry [1851-1907]
Tommy Laycock [1890-1926]
Jonathan Ingham Learoyd [1843-1915]
Mary Lee Wade Street / Mulcture Hall Road.
Herbert Lister There was considerable coal mining in Clifton in the mid-1850s
John William Longbottom [1832-1???]
George Longridge [1937-1960]
James Lupton [18??-18??]
William Bingley Lupton [1819-1879]
John Lynch [1???-1917]
Welbourn Lyon [1824-1899]
Children of John Henry Magson [18??-1???]
Patrick Maher [1813-1864]
Bernard Mangan [1831-1903]
Dominic Marley [1835-1878]
James Marsden [1819-1876]
John Joseph Marsh [1847-1879]
John Mason [1829-1886]
Benjamin Maud [1843-1907]
Robert McAllister [1???-1918]
Patrick McAvan [18??-1???]
John Gowan McCrea [1825-1873]
James H. McHugh [1880-1915]
Alexander McKay [1813-1881]
Charles McKenna [1876-1916]
Rev James McKenna [1852-1885]
Samuel Main McLachlan [1895-1918]
Thomas McMeeking [1820-1890]
Henry Horace Merry [1851-1885]
Jeremiah Midgley [1822-1886]
Adam Mitchell [1868-1908]
James Mitchell [1906-1941]
Thomas Mitchell [1810-1892]
William Monument [18??-18??]
William Monument [18??-18??]
William Charles Moore [1827-1864]
Joseph Moorhouse [1809-1891]
Gerard Moran [1912-1941]
Edward Mortimer [1846-1914]
Harry Mortimer [1874-1925]
Margaret Ellen Morton Wade Street / Mulcture Hall Road.
Stanley Mottram [1898-1918]
John Joseph Mulroy [1888-1960]
Thomas Bernard Mulroy [1894-1916]
James Murphy [1886-1916]
John Murphy [1820-1882]
Michael Murray [1862-1909]
Benjamin Burton Nagle [1829-1876]
John King Naylor [1835-1900]
Charles Needham [1835-1899]
John Needham [1876-1917]
James William Nettleton [1884-1918]
Edward Newcombe [1811-1864]
Edward Newsholme [1834-1866]
Thomas Piercey Nicholson [1885-1915]
John Normington [1793-1869]
Joseph Normington [1834-1885]
Joseph Norton [1830-1879]
Neil O'Boyle [1809-1866]
James O'Connor [1827-1879]
William O'Connor [1859-1904]
Henry Oates [1825-1867]
Joseph Steven Ockwell [1922-1944]
Charles Oldham [1812-1868]
Henry Oliver [1834-1887]
Thomas Oram [1876-1913]
John Ordish [1809-1878]
Dumont Pallier [1816-1874]
John Patchett [1783-1863]
William Paton [1887-1918]
John Payne [1826-1879]
John Peters [1827-1884]
John Philips [1866-1886]
George Pickles [1843-1878]
George Pickles [1829-1883]
Mary Beatrice daughter of David Pickles [18??-1???]
Paul Pickles [1798-1866]
Samuel Pickles [1845-1889]
James Pickup [1896-1916]
Squire Pinder [1826-1885]
Joseph Pitchforth [1888-1910]
Thomas Ainley Pitchforth [1842-1889]
John Platts [1844-1884]
Henry William Pohlmann [1853-1891]
Edward Porter [1841-1871]
Joseph Powell [1827-1869]
Henry Priestley [1837-1906]
Thomas Priestley [1818-1881]
Thomas Pulman [1835-1884]
Annie Quick [1886-1910]
Hugh Quigley [1835-1884]
David Ramsden [1816-1881]
Joseph Ramsden [1852-1888]
Thomas Ramsden [1828-1884]
Harold Ratcliff [1893-1946]
Charles Frederick Rawnsley [1862-1883]
Frederick Rawnsley [1836-1911]
Ebenezer Redhead [18??-1???]
Edouard Riedel [1824-1889]
Josephine Rigg [1875-1916]
William Bilton Riley [1835-1900]
Willie Riley [1898-1918]
Thomas Roberts [1918-1944]
Gaetano Rocca [1828-1891]
William Frederick Ryan [1867-1918]
James Savage [1822-1883]
John William Sellars [1877-1918]
James A. Sennett [1877-1915]
Fred Sharp [1882-1962]
F. N. Sheriden [18??-1917]
Thomas Parr Simpson [1888-1918]
Benjamin Greenwood Smith [1844-1918]
Edgar Smith [1923-1944]
Frank Smith [1892-1921]
John William Smith [1923-1947]
Lewis Smith [1853-1932]
Solomon Charles Smith [1842-1903]
Joseph Stansfield [1818-1868]
Horatio Stead [1819-1892]
Louisa Frederica Steinmetz [1853-1912]
Fred Stevens [1863-1914]
Charles Clifford Stott [1888-1919]
Elizabeth Stott Wade Street / Mulcture Hall Road. Wade Street / Mulcture Hall Road.
John Sugden [1811-1891]
John Edward Sunners [1879-1941]
Alexander Suter [1834-1888]
Leonard Swall [1898-1917]
Edgar Taylor [1894-1918]
Robert Leslie Taylor [1884-1917]
Robert Taylor [1899-1918]
George William Thomas [1899-1918]
James Thomas [1812-1888]
John William Thomas [1840-1902]
Ernest Thompson [1920-1944]
John Townsend [1892-1915]
J. Turner [1???-1920]
Patrick Tynan [1845-1869]
Herman François Charles Van Dyk [1865-1940]
James Walker [1872-1914]
William Walker [1904-1946]
James Walsh [1890-1919]
Margaret Walsh [1871-1???]
William Arthur Walsh [1882-1916]
George William Walton [1850-1900]
John Luther Walton [1891-1916]
Annie Wayman [1857-1881]
Frederick Whitaker [1840-1897]
Marshall Whitehead [1900-1920]
John Robert Williams [1888-1915]
John Wilson [1875-1917]
Tom Womersley [1895-1916]
Edward Wood [1861-1929]
Harold Woodhead [1885-1953]
Joseph Woodward [1840-1893]
George Yates [18??-19??]
Marshall Hunsworth,
Lister Lane Plot 170,
Quarmby & Mills,
William Riley and
South Parade Methodist Chapel, Halifax: Graveyard
The Burial Registers are shown in the CD entitled
Stoney Royd Burial Registers
This & associated entries use material contributed by Tony Gregson, Andy Howson, Jeffrey Knowles & Darrell Prest
Malcolm Bull
Revised 10:38 / 11th February 2025 / 36752
Page Ref: X345