Burials in Grave 3840 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 3840
in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Tom Dodsworth who died 23rd February 1866 (aged 4 months), son of Everilda & George Dodsworth [coachman]
- Fanny Gray who died 8th January 1866 (aged 18 years), daughter of Eliza & Walter Gray [spinster]
- John Gray who died 19th February 1866 (aged 12 years), son of Eliza & Walter Gray [mechanic]
- Ann Hodgson who died 23rd February 1866 (aged 1 Hour), daughter of Caroline Hodgson
- Patrick McGee who died 20th January 1866 (aged 22 years), son of Felix McGee [mill hand]
- Ellen Morran who died 24th February 1866 (aged 76 years) [widow]
- Alice Stansfield who died 13th February 1866 (aged 50 years)
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 18:24 / 16th November 2024 / 3039
Page Ref: X3840X