Burials in Grave 4020 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4020
in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Mary Binns who died 24th April 1862 (aged 25 years), daughter of John Binns [spinster]
- Bridget Cassady who died 5th April 1862 (aged 56 years) [widow]
- Sarah Jane Fisher who died 2nd May 1862 (aged 3 weeks), daughter of Hannah Fisher
- Edward Fleming who died 2nd May 1862 (aged 47 years) [labourer]
- William Grives who died 4th April 1862 (aged 65 years) [labourer]
- Mary Heaton who died 15th April 1862 (aged 56 years) [widow]
- Charles Smith who died 2nd May 1862 [weaver]
- Joseph Sugden who died 4th April 1862 (aged 59 years) [overlooker]
- Bridget Winter who died 27th April 1862 (aged 18 years), daughter of Ann Winter [spinster]
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 16:05 / 6th October 2024 / 3004
Page Ref: X4020X