Burials in Grave 4100 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4100
in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Thomas Beaver who died 14th February 1858 (aged 17 years), son of Susy Beaver
- Mary Bottomley who died 21st January 1858 (aged 71 years)
- Charles Burrows who died 4th February 1858 (aged 11 months), son of Harriet & Edwin Burrows [tailor]
- William Arthur Duffield who died 17th February 1858 (aged 6 years), son of Martha & John Duffield [grocer]
- Charles Henderson who died 1st February 1858 (aged 15 years), son of William Henderson [warp dresser]
- Margaret Jordan who died 10th February 1858 (aged 19 years), daughter of Bridget & Edwin Jordan [labourer]
- Mary Ann Wainhouse Senior who died 20th April 1859 (aged 8 months), daughter of Elizabeth & John Senior [father cord wainer]
- Theresa Shaw who died 1st February 1858 (aged 10 days), daughter of Ann & William Shaw [weaver]
- Elizabeth Whitaker who died 31st January 1858 (aged 44 years)
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 11:38 / 29th September 2023 / 3458
Page Ref: X4100X