Burials in Grave 4104 at Lister Lane Cemetery
The following burials are recorded for Plot 4104
in Lister Lane Cemetery
- Ann Carter who died 20th September 1858 (aged 77 years)
- Henry Davies who died 17th November 1858 (aged 4 years), son of Eliza & David Davies [militia staff]
- Thomas Dodgson who died 20th August 1858 (aged 64 years) [farmer]
- Hugh Dollan who died 30th August 1858 (aged 50 years) [labourer]
- Francis Duffy who died 10th June 1859 (aged 1 year), son of Bridget & John Duffy [father labourer]
- Catherine Hall who died 23rd August 1858 (aged 53 years)
- Henry Jones who died 19th September 1858 (aged 48 years) [ostler]
- William Kelley who died 12th December 1858 (aged 48 years) [labourer]
- Patrick Long who died 26th October 1858 (aged 46 years) [wool comber]
- Ellen Lumley who died 29th October 1858 (aged 62 years)
- Martha Scholfield who died 30th August 1858 (aged 43 years)
- Denis Sweeney who died 19th September 1858 (aged 47 years) [labourer]
- Walter Wilson who died 15th November 1858 (aged 5 years), son of Mary & Charles Wilson [tinplate worker]
Please email me if you can add information about any of the people
mentioned here, or if you can link any of these people to entries on
the Calderdale Companion
Malcolm Bull
Revised 13:27 / 29th September 2023 / 3573
Page Ref: X4104X