Obituary: John Alfred Lee

The Todmorden & District News [31st December 1943] reported the death of John Alfred Lee

Mr John Alfred Lee of 49 Oak Avenue was found dead on Christmas Day morning, aged 82. Apparently died in his sleep.

He was in journalism for over fifty years and chief reporter on this paper for over thirty. He only retired twelve years ago.

He started as a part-time newsboy for the Todmorden Advertiser then worked full-time from the age of fourteen.

He was awarded a scholarship at South Kensington Science School in 1880. He was taught biology by the famous Professor T. H. Huxley.

In 1883, aged 21, he became the chief reporter for The Bacup Times. He held this position for 16 years.

He was the secretary of the Bacup Liberal Club and secretary of the Bacup Natural History Society. When he moved back to Todmorden, he was made a life member of the Bacup Natural History Society.

In 1899, he returned to Todmorden, having, with his brother, Mr Frederick Lee, purchased the business of The Advertiser. The business was sold to Waddington & Sons in 1919.

Mr Lee continued as chief reporter until his retirement in 1931.

He wrote the book, Todmorden and the Great War 1914-1918.

His son, Clarence Lee, was reported missing after the Battle of Loos and nothing has been heard of him since. His daughter, Muriel Mackenzie, was living in Durban. She was formerly a teacher at Roomfield Junior Council School.

He used to play the violin with the Musical Society and was a member of the Scientific Association. Associated with the Workers' Educational Association since its formation, being one of its first secretaries. He was the vice president at the time of his death.

He was on the committee of the District Nursing Association for about twelve years. He had been a member of Todmorden Liberal Club since 1899. He was a member of the National Union of Journalists


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