Obituaries : Richard Chambers

Local newspapers reported the death of Richard Chambers

The Todmorden Advertiser & Hebden Bridge Newsletter [2nd October 1903] reported

Richard Chambers, founder and former proprietor of this paper died last Friday (25th September) at his residence, Victoria Villas, Todmorden, aged 86.

He founded the Advertiser in 1853, with it being initially printed on an old fashioned hand press.

After a few years its rising circulation made this impractical so he introduced a steam-powered printing press in 1856 or 1857.

He retired from the publishing business four years ago due to age and ill health.

He never married.

He had a brother, James, who predeceased him. He has another brother, Charles, aged 90, and a younger brother, Thomas


The Todmorden Advertiser & District News [2nd October 1903] reported

Richard Chambers of Victoria Road, formerly in business as a printer, and proprietor of the Advertiser died last Friday evening after a very long illness.

He succeeded his father in the printing business and in 1853 began the Advertiser.

He was 86 and a bachelor.

His eldest brother, Charles, is over ninety and his brother, Thomas, is 84


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